(A)   Election; term. At the time appointed for the regular election of town officers, there shall be elected by the Council an officer to be known as the Clerk and Treasurer, who shall hold office for a two-year term or until his or her successor is duly elected and qualified unless removed from office by the Council. Notwithstanding the preceding, Council shall have the discretion to separate the positions of Clerk and Treasurer. Moreover, Council shall have the further discretion to elect a Clerk and to have the functions of a Treasurer performed by an outside third party.
(Prior Code, § 2.28.010)
   (B)   Duties. The Clerk and Treasurer shall collect all claims and accounts that may be due and payable to the municipality; give notice of meetings to Council; keep minutes of Council proceedings; and perform other duties as are assigned by Council; receive all moneys belonging to the municipality; issue all licenses and badges for which provisions may be made; pay all bills owed by the municipality when approved by the Council; deposit funds in a bank designated by the Council; make statements of financial conditions of the municipality as ordered by the Council; keep account of all moneys and accounts and report to Council; give notice to all members of the Council of regular and special meetings; and perform other duties as may be required by the Council.
(Prior Code, § 2.28.020)
   (C)   If Council separates the positions of Clerk and Treasurer, it shall assign to each such position the duties appropriate for each. Moreover, if Council elects to have an outside third-party perform the functions of a Treasurer, it shall specify to such third-party what duties and responsibilities are expected.
(Ord. 2017-01, passed 2-27-2017)