(A)   Medical Marijuana Dispensary Distancing. 
      (1)   A Medical Marijuana Dispensary Permit will not be granted to any applicant where the proposed location would be located within one thousand (1,000) feet from the nearest entrance to any public or private school, preschool, or State licensed childcare facility. The distance specified shall be measured from the entrance of any public or private school, preschool, or state licensed commercial childcare facility to the nearest entrance of any leased or owned Medical Marijuana Dispensary facility.
      (2)   A Medical Marijuana Dispensary permit will not be granted to any applicant where the proposed location would be located within one thousand (1,000) feet of any other Medical Marijuana Dispensary. The distance specified shall be measured from any entrance of a current facility to the nearest entrance of any leased or owned Medical Marijuana Dispensary facility.
   (B)   Inspection Required. The physical address of the proposed Medical Marijuana Dispensary will be subject to a property inspection by the Code Enforcement Officer to ensure compliance with all Town Ordinances. The applicant is required to be present during the inspection. The fee for such inspection shall be one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), non-refundable. If the property does not pass the initial inspection any subsequent inspection shall be five hundred dollars ($500.00). (Ord. 2022-10, 11-10-2022)