(A)   To be eligible for a special permit for the construction of a communications tower, the site must be location-approved by the Town Planning and Zoning Commission and can be placed on a lot size as determined by the tower height and setback requirements. Towers are also prohibited in all residential areas, regardless of zoning classification and platted or not, which are currently subdivided by ownership into lots of two or more of various sizes and used primarily for residential purposes. Towers are prohibited in all general floodplain districts.
   (B)   No cellular telephone antenna, support structure, amplifier, transmitter or any other wireless telecommunication equipment can be installed or placed on a commercial, private or public building, water tower or any other structure, other than an actual cell tower, unless approved by the Town Planning and Zoning Committee and the Town Board of Trustees.
(Prior Code, § 14-307) (Ord. 2020-08, passed 11-12-2020) Penalty, see § 155.99