(A)   When an application is filed to construct a cell tower, the applicant must obtain an estimate to remove the tower from a company acceptable to the town and experienced in contracting for the removal of towers and must provide that estimate to the town along with the application for approval of a special permit to install said tower. Upon receiving approval by the Planning Commission and the Town Board of Trustees, the cell tower owner will be notified that a permit to construct the tower will be issued when the applicant has met all of the requirements of this code and has secured and filed with the town a bond for a length of not less than three years in an amount equal to or exceeding the estimate of the cost of removal and all associated structures, fencing, power supplies and other appurtenances connected with the tower.
   (B)   The bond must be provided within 30 days of the date of the approval but prior to the construction beginning. Replacement bonds must be provided 90 days prior to the expiration of any previous bond. At any time, if the town has good cause to question the sufficiency of the bond at the end of any three-year period, then the permit holder must provide an updated estimate and bond in the appropriate amount. Failure to keep the bonds in effect is cause for the removal of the tower at the owner’s expense. A separate bond will be required for each cell tower regardless of the number of owners or the location.
(Prior Code, § 14-309) (Ord. 2020-08, passed 11-12-2020) Penalty, see § 155.99