A parking ticket shall be the summons and complaint for purposes of issuing parking ticket citations. Each parking ticket issued shall contain the following information:
   (a)   That the person upon whom it is served must answer in relation to the parking infraction charged in the ticket;
   (b)   The allowable answers that may be made and that the person will be afforded a hearing if he or she denies committing the parking infraction;
   (c)   That any answer must be made to the Caldwell Village Clerk, the address for the Village Clerk, and the time within which an answer is to be made;
   (d)   The penalties that may result from failure to timely answer and the fine that arises from the parking infraction; and
   (e)   A warning that failure to timely answer or to appear at a requested hearing will be considered an admission of the parking infraction.
(Ord. 2014-08. Passed 8-11-14.)