(a)   Leak Adjustment. If a residential customer experiences a leak or other situation in higher than normal water consumption, and the customer can establish that the water did not enter the sanitary sewer system, the customer may petition the Village Administrator in writing and at his/her discretion, adjust the sewer billing to the customers average usage. No allowance will be made for water consumption. The customer retains responsibility for awareness of the condition of his/her plumbing system, and this adjustment will only be for one month's billing in any two-year time period. The types of leaks that would be eligible for an adjustment may include service line leaks or leaks inside walls. This adjustment does not apply to other types of leaks such as toilet leaks, malfunctioning appliances or leaky faucets where water enters the sanitary system.
   (b)   When a person has reason to believe that a reduction in or exemption from the sewer service charge is justified, that person, shall submit a written application to the Village Administrator and shall furnish such information as is required in support of the request. The Village Administrator shall have the authority to approve, deny or adjust the application.
   (c)   Sewer Bill Adjustment for Clean Water Entering Sanitary System. If a residential water customer experiences a leak, water softener running, toilet running, etc., which caused excessive clean water to enter the sanitary sewer system, the customer may petition in writing, and the Village Administrator, in his/her discretion, adjust the sewer billing to the customers average usage, or may make some other adjustments deemed appropriate. No allowance will be made for water consumption. The customer retains responsibility for awareness of the condition of his plumbing system, and this adjustment will only be for one month's billing in any two-year time period.
(Ord. 2020-12. Passed - - .)