(1) Certificate Of Occupancy And/Or Completion Required: No building erected shall be occupied, used, changed in use or changed in occupancy classification until a certificate of occupancy has been issued by the building official signifying that the building and/or proposed use of a building complies with all the building and health laws and regulations and with the provisions of this code relating thereto as well as provisions of chapter 10 of this code, said chapter 10 provisions being regulated by the planning and zoning department.
All building alterations, other than additions, shall require a certificate of completion as issued by the building official signifying that the alteration(s) complies with all of the building and health laws and regulations and with the provisions of this code relating thereto.
All building additions shall require a certificate of occupancy for the newly expanded portion of the building. Said certificate of occupancy shall be issued by the building official signifying that the addition complies with all of the building and health laws and regulations and with the provisions of this code relating thereto as well as provisions of chapter 10 of this code, said chapter 10 provisions being regulated by the planning and zoning department.
(2) Record Of Certificate: A record of all certificates shall be kept on file in the office of the building official and copies shall be furnished on request to any person having a proprietary or tenancy interest in the building affected. No fee shall be charged for an original certificate, but for copies of any original or subsequent certificates, there shall be a charge of one dollar ($1.00) each. (Ord. 2799, 7-20-2009)
(3) Change In Use Of Building: The use of a building shall not be changed from one use to another use or from one occupancy classification to another occupancy classification unless and until a building permit application for a change in use has been submitted to and processed by the building department, followed by the subsequent issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
A. Under proper circumstances, the building official may allow a building to be occupied without conforming to all the requirements of this code, per section 3408.1 of the international building code.
B. The building official may, as he/she deems necessary and at his/her sole discretion, require floor plans for any change of use or change of occupancy classification to be drawn and stamped by an architect or engineer currently licensed in the state of Idaho. (Ord. 2862, 1-18-2011)
All buildings erected along or adjacent to Indian Creek shall be of suitable and endurable material, and the walls along the banks of said Indian Creek supporting said buildings shall be of reinforced concrete or like permanent material and shall be supported by proper footing and foundations to comply with the Building Code of the City and be satisfactory to the engineer and the building inspector of the City. All such bases shall reach at least five feet (5') below the scour line of said Indian Creek.
The throat of said creek, between the said walls of such building or structures, shall be at least thirty-three (33) clear lateral feet and shall be at least eight feet (8') above the bed of the stream. (Ord. 1771, 2-2-1988)