(1) Requirements Mandatory: All requirements hereinbelow, as noted in this section, must be adhered to and no exceptions are allowed even through the planned unit development process, unless an exception to said standards has been granted by city council. Any such exceptions shall be made on a case by case basis only, shall not be considered precedent setting, and shall be dependent upon one or any combination of the following factors: topography; geography; limited size of the subject property; existing site or surrounding conditions that prohibit adherence to the requirement; whether or not the project is an infill project; and/or, whether or not the project is a redevelopment project. In no case shall an exception be granted if, in the opinion of city council, said exception presents a detriment to the public's health, safety and/or general welfare and/or is not in the best interests of the city of Caldwell. In no case shall an exception be granted if any portion of the request for the exception is based upon financial conditions or situations. All requested exceptions must be specifically requested and detailed in the initial preliminary plat application and shall be considered for a recommendation by the commission and a final decision by the city council.
(2) Adherence To Various Standards And Specifications; Streets: The following are required improvements that shall adhere to "city code" as herein defined, CSS, MUTCD and the city's transportation master plan. In certain instances, as approved by city council, where all buildings exist and no new construction will immediately be taking place, curb, gutter, sidewalk, street, alley, street lighting, approach and/or approach spacing improvements may be deferred until such time that new construction of a primary building or unit does take place within the subdivision/development. At the time of new construction of any primary building or unit, all deferred improvements shall be installed as per the standards in place at the date of submittal of the building permit application. The engineering department shall not sign a certificate of occupancy in such cases until all deferred improvements have been completed by the applicant and inspected and accepted by the city along with applicable record drawings, inspection logs, engineer's certifications and dedication requests.
A. Streets and alleys.
B. Curb and gutter.
C. Sidewalk.
D. Street name signs and other street traffic signs.
E. Street lighting.
F. Construction of approach and approach spacing.
(3) Stormwater: Strict adherence to the "Caldwell Stormwater Management Manual", as adopted by city council as well as any subsequent adopted updates, is required.
(4) Sanitary Sewage Disposal:
A. Connection to city sewer system is required.
B. An individual sewage disposal service shall be installed for each individual buildable lot.
C. All sanitary sewage disposal facilities shall be designed and subject to city code, standards, specifications and approvals and shall comply with all applicable sewer master studies, including updates.
(5) Water Supply:
A. Connection to city water system is required. Each individual buildable lot shall have installed an individual water service capable of supplying each buildable lot with safe, pure and potable water in sufficient volume flow and pressure for domestic use and fire protection in accordance with city code, department of environmental quality requirements, international fire code and specifically section 08-13-01 of this code.
B. All condominium units shall have individual water meters, including existing units as well as new construction.
C. Redundant water supply is required.
D. All domestic services and facilities shall be designed and subject to city code, standards, specifications, and approvals and shall comply with all applicable master water studies, including updates. Exceptions to master water studies and master water plans may be granted by city council.
(6) Irrigation: Irrigation facilities shall be provided as detailed in section 10-07-12 of this code. The developer, subdivider, and/or property owner shall maintain any existing upstream drainage rights and downstream irrigation rights across the subject property. The developer, subdivider, property owner and/or engineer of record shall contact the appropriate irrigation district to help ascertain these rights. Appropriate facilities shall be provided by the developer, subdivider, and/or property owner to convey irrigation and drainage water across the subject property to take care of these off site needs. There shall be no discharge of gravity irrigation return water into the subdivision stormwater system.
A. Supplying irrigation district shall approve the location of the point of delivery.
B. Existing irrigation facilities shall be located outside the public right of way and shall be moved, adjusted and/or improved as necessary to facilitate required street improvements. (Ord. 2811, 11-2-2009)
(7) Monuments: Monuments shall be set in accordance with Idaho Code section 50-1303. Monuments disturbed or destroyed during construction shall be reset.
(8) Fire Hydrants: Fire hydrants are required to meet the city water department's standards, city code standards and international fire code's water supply requirements.
A. Fire hydrants shall be installed at all locations as specified in any project plan or plat review as identified by the fire department.
B. Fire hydrants do not need to be shown on preliminary plat maps. The fire department will determine the location of all required fire hydrants during its plan review of all preliminary plats.
C. Fire hydrant locations, as determined by the fire department, shall be shown on all final approved construction drawings and record drawings.
D. Fire hydrants shall meet city installation standards as to the type of hydrant and water line connections.
E. Fire hydrants must be installed and operable prior to any combustible materials being brought on the property.
F. Fire hydrants shall be painted bright red and the steamer connection shall meet fire department requirements. Where subject to collision, bollards may be required as determined and approved by the fire department.
(9) Utilities:
A. The extension and relocation of power, telephone, communication, television and similar utilities shall be at the subdivider's expense and shall have the capacity and placement necessary to serve land located farther out.
B. Power, telephone, communication, television and similar utility lines on the property boundary and within the subdivision shall all be installed underground.
C. When overhead distribution utility lines exist on and within the property being platted, those lines and the new installation within the platted area shall be underground. (Ord. 2768, 4-20-2009)
D. All existing and proposed easements on the subject property shall be clearly detailed on preliminary plats, final plats, construction drawings and record drawings with dimensions, bearings and instrument numbers. (Ord. 2811, 11-2-2009)
(1) All record drawings shall show the following items in their respective "as built" locations as well as showing elevations for water, sewer, storm drainage, curb and gutter:
A. Water:
1. Meter placement.
2. Valve placement.
3. Blow off placement.
4. Fire hydrant placement.
5. Main lines.
6. Service lines (include fire service lines specifically called out).
B. Sewer:
1. Manhole placement.
2. Cleanout placement.
3. Lift station placement.
4. Main lines.
5. Service lines.
C. Street Lighting:
1. Streetlight electrical system to include conduits, J-boxes, power source location, and pole locations.
2. Meter pedestals (if applicable).
D. Pressure Irrigation:
1. Service placement.
2. Valve placement.
3. Pump out placement.
4. Drain placement.
5. Air vacuum placement (including air vacuum valve).
6. Backflow connections.
7. Pump station placement.
8. Main lines.
E. Storm Drain:
1. Catch basin placement.
2. Siphon placement.
3. Manhole placement.
4. Sand and grease trap placement.
5. Inlet and outlet placement (ponds, seepage beds, drain ditches, etc.).
6. Main lines.
7. Map SD overflow to an existing drain.
F. Street Signs:
1. Placement of all street/traffic signs installed (street name, stop, dead end, etc.).
G. Drawings:
1. All sheets approved with the construction drawing shall be submitted with the record drawings.
2. All pages shall be "as built".
3. All pages shall be stamped and signed by the engineer of record.
4. Electronic copies of the approved record drawings shall be submitted using .dwg drawing file format and shall be spatially referenced to the Idaho state plan coordinate system - west zone, North American datum (NAD) 83. Vertical control shall be referenced to the North American vertical datum (NAVD) 88. The unit of measurement shall be U.S. survey feet. (Ord. 2768, 4-20-2009)
(2) Record drawings shall be submitted and approved, along with engineer of record inspection logs and the engineer's certification from the engineer of record, prior to the city's signature on the final plat unless said items are included in the financial guarantee. Record drawings shall establish that the engineer of record has caused construction to occur in substantial compliance with the design of said engineer of record. (Ord. 2811, 11-2-2009)
(1) Financial guarantees shall be in the form of:
A. Cash deposited with and held by the city pending final completion of the improvements; or
B. Cash backed irrevocable letter of credit, drawn from a financial institution located within fifty (50) miles of the city, that has been submitted to and accepted by the city engineer and is irrevocable until final completion of all improvements.
C. Alternate forms of financial guarantee may be accepted by the city upon a finding by both the city attorney and the city engineer that such alternate form of financial guarantee is in the best interest of the city.
(2) Financial guarantees shall be submitted to and accepted by the city engineer prior to any city signatures on the final plat.
(3) The initial financial guarantee shall be an amount equal to one hundred ten percent (110%) of the city engineer's estimate of cost on all the remaining work and shall include inflation, city bidding disadvantage and city project management.
A. Estimated cost on remaining work shall be determined in part by detailed bids from the subdivider's contractors as issued on said contractors' letterhead and submitted to the city engineer and totaled. To that total, an allotment of five percent (5%) for inflation, ten percent (10%) for city bidding disadvantage and twelve percent (12%) for city project management is figured and then added to the total bid amounts. Then one hundred fifty percent (150%) is calculated and that is the financial guarantee amount.
B. Remaining work shall be determined by the engineering department, in conjunction with the planning and zoning department, in the form of a punch list which shall be compiled by the engineering department following a walk-through inspection by the engineering department. The punch list shall be reviewed and accepted by both the engineering department and the planning and zoning department prior to issuance.
(4) If construction of any improvements has been deferred or postponed by submittal of a financial guarantee, no more than eighty percent (80%) of the total building permits ultimately available for the subdivision or phase for which the financial guarantee was submitted shall be applied for by the applicant or issued by the city.
(5) Regardless of the aforementioned eighty percent (80%) available building permits, if construction of all improvements is not completed within one hundred and twenty (120) days following the date of recordation of the final plat, no building permits shall be applied for by the subdivider or issued by the city until final completion of all improvements by the subdivider has taken place and the city has inspected and approved all improvements.
A. Provided, however, that if the failure to complete all improvements within the one hundred and twenty (120) day period occurs through no fault of the subdivider (no fault of the subdivider does not include economic or market conditions), the city engineer at his or her sole discretion, may grant time extensions to the one hundred and twenty (120) day period of a minimum one hundred and twenty (120) days each.
(6) Under no circumstances shall the city ever issue more than eighty percent (80%) of the total building permits ultimately available for the subdivision or phase until final completion of all improvements for said subdivision or phase by the subdivider has taken place and said improvements have been inspected and approved by the city engineer.
(7) The financial guarantee is good for one year only. If construction of improvements has not been completed within one year of submittal of the financial guarantee, the city engineer at his or her sole discretion, may grant a onetime only extension to the one year period, said onetime only extension not to exceed one additional year.
A. The renewal amount shall be set at one hundred seventy-five percent (175%) of the city engineer's estimate of cost on the remaining work.
B. Estimated cost on remaining work shall be determined in part by detailed bids from the subdivider's contractors as issued on said contractors' letterhead and submitted to the city engineer.
(8) If construction of the improvements has not been completed within the original one year time period or the additional one year time period granted by the city engineer through an extension, the city engineer shall inform the council, through the public hearing process, at a regularly scheduled meeting.
A. The council may determine that the remaining work not completed by the subdivider will be completed by the city and the construction costs recovered from the financial guarantee; or
B. The council may approve a second one year time extension for completion of the work by the subdivider.
1. The renewal amount shall be set at two hundred percent (200%) of the city engineer's estimate of cost on the remaining work.
2. Estimated cost on remaining work shall partially be determined by detailed bids from the subdivider's contractors as issued on said contractors' letterhead and submitted to the city engineer.
C. Further time extensions of financial guarantees beyond the second one year time extension are prohibited.
(9) Financial guarantees shall not be released by the city unless and until all of the improvements (including required dedications) have been completed by the subdivider and accepted by the city engineer and by any other applicable agencies or city departments responsible for acceptance and maintenance.
(10) Financial guarantees shall be written to allow the city to draw upon the financial guarantee at any time at the discretion of the city engineer as well as allowing multiple draws by the city. (Ord. 2811, 11-2-2009; Ord. 3456, 9-1-2022)
(1) Identify various types of special subdivisions or special planned unit developments that normally pose special concern to the city when reviewing and acting upon subdivision or planned unit development requests.
(2) Outline requirements and design standards that shall be taken into consideration when acting on special subdivisions or planned unit developments.
(3) The provisions of this article are in addition to all other requirements of this chapter. (Ord. 2768, 4-20-2009)