(A)   Off-street automobile storage or standing space shall be provided on any lot on which any of the following uses are hereafter established; such space shall be provided with vehicular access to a street or an alley. For purposes of computing the number of parking spaces available in a given area, the ratio of 250 square feet per parking space shall be used. The following are minimum requirements for specific uses:
      (1)   Dwellings - One space for each family dwelling unit.
      (2)   Boarding houses and rooming houses - One space for each two rooms occupied or intended for occupancy by boarders or roomers, in addition to the requirements of division (1) above.
      (3)   Tourist accommodations - One space for each room offered for tourist accommodations.
      (4)   Theater, auditorium, church, stadium, or other place of public assembly - One space for each ten seats available at maximum capacity.
      (5)   Industrial plant - One space for every five persons employed or intended to be employed on such lot.
      (6)   Commercial or business building in a Neighborhood Business District - Four spaces for the first 1,000 feet of ground floor space and one additional space for each additional 150 square feet of such floor space.
      (7)   Mobile Home Park - One space for each mobile home unit.
      (8)   Hospitals - One space for each four patient beds (excluding bassinets), plus one space for each staff or visiting doctor, based on the average number, plus one space for each four employees, including nurses.
      (9)   Medical or dental clinics - One space per doctor, plus one additional space for every two employees.
   (B)   If vehicle storage space or standing space required above cannot be reasonably provided on the same lot on which the principal use is conducted in the opinion of the Board of Zoning Adjustment may permit such space to be provided on other off-street property provided such space lies within 400 feet of an entrance to such principal use. Such vehicle standing space shall be deemed to be required open space associated with the permitted use and shall not thereafter be reduced or encroached upon in any manner.
(Ord. 722, passed 7-11-89)