Every application for permit for razing or demolition as provided in this chapter shall be accompanied by specifications setting forth the means by which the owner, contractor, subcontractor or other entity conducting such demolition will comply with the following requirements for razing or demolition. And each applicant for permit as herein provided shall comply with all terms and provisions of such specifications:
   (a)   All concrete or similar floors shall be so broken as to provide adequate drainage during the following demolition or razing.
   (b)   Any and all sanitary sewers within any building to be demolished as herein provided shall be sealed at outlet according to specifications provided by the Village.
   (c)   No basement or other on-site excavation shall be backfilled in whole or part with any combustible material.
   (d)   No rubbish, debris, lumber, glass or other similar materials from a razed or demolished building shall remain upon the lot or tract of land upon which such building was located longer than ten days following razing or demolition.
   (e)   No salvage material shall be stored upon the premises where any building has been demolished so as to create a fire hazard or unsightly condition thereon.
   (f)   Razing and demolition projects shall be conducted in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio governing and regulating demolitions of buildings and especially the provisions of Chapters 3781 and 3791 of the Ohio Revised Code.
   (g)   Protective measures shall be provided to insure the safety of persons and property in proximity to demolition or razing areas.
   (h)   Adequate measures for dust control shall be provided for each demolition or razing.
   (i)   Adequate barricades, warning lights and similar safety devices shall be erected so as to effectively warn the public of the existing danger of demolition or razing.
      (Ord. 86-34. Passed 12-18-86.)