(a)   Purpose. The “R-1" Residential District is to permit medium-low density single- family dwellings, and lot sizes shall be a minimum of 12,000 square feet per dwelling unit, where both sanitary sewers and public drinking water are available at the lot. The requirements of the Harrison County Health Department for lot sizes shall prevail if sanitary sewers or public drinking water are not available, except that 12,000 square feet shall be the absolute minimum.
   (b)   Permitted Uses.
      (1)   One single-family dwelling per lot and accessory buildings and structures thereto as defined in this Zoning Ordinance.
      (2)   Uses permitted by Conditional Zoning Permits, as specified in paragraph (d) below.
   (c)   Accessory Uses.
      (1)   Garage;
      (2)   Storage building or structure, other than garage, including a green house, potting house, or enclosed arboretum, and antennas (free standing, dish or other), provided:
         A.   One such structure per residential parcel;
         B.   Located in rear yard only;
         C.   Maximum height shall not exceed twelve (12) feet measured from existing grade to peak of roof, except that for free-standing antennas. No antenna shall exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height, except where regulated by the Federal Communications Commission or other State/Federal regulations.
            (Ord. 97-27. Passed 6-19-97.)
   (d)   Conditional Use:
      (1)   Agricultural uses. The purpose of this section is to establish regulations to permit the keeping of certain domesticated farm animals and bees in a manner that prevents nuisances to occupants of nearby properties and prevents conditions that are unsanitary or unsafe. This section also includes the operation of roadside stands selling produce limited to that raised by property owner or lessee.
      (2)   Personal use. For the purposes of this section, farm animals as stipulated in this section, relate only to those kept, raised or used in any manner related to a personal or household use, such as for personal consumption, education or as pets. Animals being raised for participation in activities such as 4-H and/or Future Farmers of America (FFA) are exempted from this section. They may not be kept, raised or used for commercial purposes, including, but not limited to the sale of chickens or eggs or to convey the same for profit, which shall be deemed a commercial farm operation, and subject to limitation of the R-1 zoning district and regulations promulgated by the United States Department of Agriculture and/or the State of Ohio Department of Agriculture.
      (3)   Limitations:
Regulations for the keeping of animals in the R-1 District
Animal Type
Minimum Acreage
Number per Acre
Livestock Building Setback
Front: 50'
Rear: 25'
Side: 20'
Horses, Alpaca, Llama, Sheep
Front: 50'
Rear: 25'
Side: 20'
Cows, Buffalo
Front: 50'
Rear: 25'
Side: 20'
Front: 50'
Rear: 25'
Side: 20'
* These uses may also be subject to regulation of the United States Department of Agriculture and/or the State Department of Agriculture
      (4)   Keeping of bees. The keeping of bees and associated beehives shall be governed by the following regulations:
         A.   No more than one (1) beehive shall be kept per 10,000 square feet of lot area. No beehive shall be kept on lot sizes less than 10,000 square feet in area. Beekeeping on lots of greater than five (5) acres are not regulated by this section.
         B.   Location and setbacks. No beehive shall be located within a required front setback area or side yard facing a street. All hives shall be setback a minimum of ten (10) feet from any side property line and a minimum of ten (10) feet from any rear property line. The front of any beehive shall face inward to the lot, and away from the property line of the next property closest to the beehive, unless there is a define flyway barrier.
         C.   Fences and Shrubs. On lots less than five (5) acres, a solid fence or dense hedge known as a flyway barrier, at leat six (6) feet in height shall be placed along the side of the beehive that contains the entrance to the hive; and shall be located within five (5) feet of the hive and shall extend two (2) feet on either side of the hive. No flyway barrier shall be required if all beehives are located at least twenty-five (25) feet from all property lines; and for beehives located on porches or balconies at least ten (10) feet above grade, except of such porch or balcony is located at least five (5) feet from a property line.
         D.   Water Supply. A supply of fresh water shall be maintained in a location readily accessible to bee colonies on the site throughout the day to prevent bees from congregating at neighboring swimming pools or other sources of water on nearby properties.
         E.   All beehives shall be in compliance with Ohio State Beekeeping best practices.
         F.   Prohibitions. No Africanized bees may be kept on a property under the regulations of this section.
      (5)   Such uses shall be subject to a conditional use review by the Village of Cadiz Planning Commission. Applicants shall provide a scale site plan showing location of any and all buildings, storage, fencing and manure removal plan/schedule.
      (6)   All property owners within a 500' radius shall be notified of the Conditional Use Permit request and will have an opportunity to state their support or opposition, or ask questions at a public meeting where the Conditional Use Permit shall be considered by the Planning Commission.
      (7)   The Planning Commission shall have the authority to permit, deny or change the Conditional Use Permit request; however the Commission may not expand the use request.
         (Ord. 2015-29. Passed 10-15-15.)
   (e)   Development Standards.   In addition to the provisions of the Supplementary District Regulations as set forth in this Zoning Ordinance, the following standards for arrangements and development of land and buildings are required in the “R-1" Single Family Residential District.
      (1)   Height Regulations: No principal structure shall exceed two and one-half (2 ½) stories or twenty five feet in height, and no detached garage shall exceed fifteen (15) feet in height from the existing grade.
      (2)   All structures or building having an overall first floor area of greater than one hundred (100) square feet shall have an approved foundation according to the rules and regulations of the Village of Cadiz Building Code or State of Ohio Building Code.
      (3)   No overall dimension of any side of a principal residential structure shall be less than twenty-four (24) feet.
      (4)   For lot area, frontage, and yard requirements the following minimum requirements shall be observed:
Lot Width
@ Building
Side Yard
Rear Yard
Area Per
sq. ft.
80 ft.
40 ft.
20 ft.
1 @ 8 ft.
1 @ 12 ft.
40 ft.
1,200 sq. ft.
Minimum Side Yard Widths: Minimum Side Yard is twenty (20) feet accumulated with a minimum on the least width side of eight (8) feet. In every case, however, at least one side shall have a side yard of twelve (12) feet minimum width. However, where a side yard of an abutting lot contains a principal structure there shall be a minimum distance of twenty (20) feet between principal structures.
      (5)   Any vehicle (see Chapter 1105, Definitions) which is not parked in a garage, barn or other structure shall be parked on a driveway (see Chapter 1105, Definitions) and not parked on a lawn or dirt surface; and, further shall not cause a health or safety hazard.
         (Ord. 97-27. Passed 6-19-97.)