(a)   Council hereby adopts this Inflow and Infiltration Policy to ensure the effective operation of the Cadiz sanitary sewer system.
   (b)   There presently exists an unacceptable rate of rainwater entering the Cadiz sanitary sewer system from private connections, as deemed improper by previously established legislation, as well as from municipal systems such as manholes and sewer lines.
   (c)   The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency is mandating the reduction of infiltration and inflow into the Cadiz sanitary sewer system.
   (d)   Council hereby directs their project engineer to systematically test properties for illegal and improper sewer connections by use of inspection, smoke testing, and whatever means are deemed necessary, so as to determine which properties have illegal and improper connections to the sanitary sewer system. The standard to be utilized to determine whether a sewer connection is illegal or improper shall be by accepted industry standards within the engineering and wastewater/sewer industries.
   (e)   Council hereby mandates that those properties where illegal and improper connections are discovered to be directed to remediate, or otherwise repair, said illegal and improper connections, so as to eliminate the entrance of rainwater into the sanitary sewer system.
   (f)   Council requests that the Sewer Department notify those property owners determined to be in violation of existing legislation, as required, and to extend the period for compliance for up to ninety (90) days from the issuance of an order to correct, or otherwise repair, illegal and improper connections.
   (g)   Council acknowledges that the cost of any corrective actions shall be the responsibility of the property owner and that this may be an unanticipated expense for many owners.
   (h)   Council hereby directs the Sewer Department with the assistance of Triad Engineering to prepare an extensive public information campaign, including the publication of this enforcement legislation, in the newspaper and the publication and dissemination of brochures educating the public about illegal and improper sewer connections.
   (i)   Council directs their consulting engineer to apply for financing for inflow and infiltration testing and repair of municipal cross connections and infiltration and inflow sources, wherever such connections or sources exist.
   (j)   Failure to remove a significant amount of rainwater from the Cadiz sanitary sewer system could result in fines from the State. Therefore, Council urges property owners to address their sanitary sewer plumbing needs now, including the proper installation of below grade plumbing fixtures and the elimination or remediation of the sump pumps, roof downspouts, foundation drains, or other sources of surface runoff, or groundwater, connected to the sanitary sewer system.
   (k)   Council authorizes that fines shall be levied against any property owner who, after having received notification of the existence of an illegal connection on their property, fails to remediate or repair the specific and improper sanitary sewer connection within ninety (90) days of receipt of notification. Said fine shall be a civil fine of $100.00 per day until compliance with remediation or repair notification.
   (l)   Council requests that the Sewer Department to aggressively plan for any improvement or repair that will mitigate the effects of excess rainwater into the sanitary sewer system including, but not limited to, manhole repairs and sewer line repairs.
(Ord. 2014-51. Passed 12-4-14.)