A.   It shall be the duty of the fire department, among others, to extinguish fires; to rescue persons endangered by fire; to resuscitate and to administer first aid to persons injured in or about burning structures, or elsewhere in case of an emergency; to promote fire prevention; and, unless otherwise provided, to enforce all ordinances relating to fires, fire prevention, and safety of persons from fire in theaters, stores, and other public buildings; and to perform fire prevention services for the town.
   B.   The chief shall keep the board informed regarding the fire department and its needs and shall make such reports as the board may require.
   C.   In addition to the duties imposed by law and ordinance, the fire department may, where a contract exists between the department and a rural resident, make fire runs outside the corporate limits of the town. In addition, the fire department may make fire runs to rural areas where no contract for fire protection exists if, in their judgment, it is wise and prudent to do so.
   D.   The chief, or his designated representative, shall solicit such contracts when possible and shall receipt for any monies collected for any fire or ambulance service to the town clerk- treasurer.
(2004 Code)