6-9-2: REGISTER:
All persons operating an ATV in the town limits must register with the town hall or police department and place said ATV on the list of authorized vehicles. Owner/operator will provide their name, ATV tag #/VIN, phone number, pay the registration fee of twenty dollars ($20.00), sign waiver and display registration sticker. If person fails to pay the fee or register the ATV with the town hall or the police department, the ticket/citation will waive the fee and the person will just need to provide said information. The registration sticker is good for as long as the registered person owns the vehicle. If said person sells the vehicle, the new owner will need to register the vehicle with the town. If a registration sticker becomes damaged or unreadable the owner will need to purchase a new registration sticker from the town for a fee of five dollars ($5.00).
(Ord. 2009-05-01, 5-4-2009)