(A)   Temporary signs are exempt from permit requirements unless otherwise specified, but shall otherwise conform to the requirements of this section.
   (B)   On-premises temporary signs.
      (1)   Signs specified in M.S. Ch. 211B.
      (2)   Banner signs.
         (a)   Only two temporary banners may be displayed by each business at any time.
         (b)   Each banner shall be no greater than 32 square feet in area.
         (c)   No banner may be displayed or used as a replacement for permanent signage.
         (d)   City staff shall have the authority to order the removal of any banner which appears to be deteriorated, in disrepair or on property that appears to be abandoned.
         (e)   All banners shall be maintained such that they do not become ripped, torn, defaced, damaged, loose, or unsecured.
      (3)   Properties with open building permits.
         (a)   One temporary sign per street frontage is permitted on any property with an open building permit.
         (b)   No sign may exceed 32 square feet.
         (c)   Signs shall be painted on all sides, including support posts.
            (i)   Once a certificate of occupancy has been issued for the site, signs shall be removed within 30 days for single-tenant buildings and within 60 days for multi-tenant buildings.
      (4)   New development. A developer may obtain a sign permit to erect on-premises temporary signage in any zoning district as follows:
         (a)   Sign quantity.
            (i)   For a development project of three to 25 acres, one sign not to exceed 100 square feet of sign copy area may be erected.
            (ii)   For projects of 26 through 50 acres, one or two signs not to exceed 200 aggregate square feet of sign copy area may be erected.
            (iii)   For projects over 50 acres, one, two or three signs not to exceed 300 aggregate square feet of sign copy area may be erected.
         (b)   No dimension shall exceed 25 feet, exclusive of supporting structures.
         (c)   The sign shall be set back from all property lines no less than one foot per one foot of sign height.
         (d)   Signs shall be painted on all sides, including support posts.
         (e)   If such signs are lighted, they shall be illuminated only during those hours when the model homes or other development are open for conducting business.
         (f)   Such sign(s) shall be removed once 95% of the project is developed.
      (5)   Properties for sale or rent.
         (a)   One temporary sign is permitted per street frontage of the property.
         (b)   Signs may be wall or freestanding signs and shall be removed within 10 days after the closing on the property.
            (i)   Freestanding signs shall be properly anchored into the ground using posts with minimum dimensions of four inches square or three inches diameter.
         (c)   Such signs shall not measure more than 12 square feet in R-1, R-2, R-3 districts, and shall not measure more than 40 square feet in all other districts. The 40-square foot limitation may be increased to 64 square feet, provided a permit is issued and the following standards are met:
            (i)   The sign shall be a maximum height of 12 feet.
            (ii)   The sign shall be set back from the front property line no less than one foot per one foot of sign height.
            (iii)   The sign shall not be illuminated.
         (d)   Such signs shall be painted on all sides, including support posts.
      (6)   Properties for lease.
         (a)   Wall or freestanding signs.
            (i)   Such signs shall be limited to one per street frontage of the property.
            (ii)   The gross area and total height of a temporary property for lease sign shall be limited to the maximums prescribed in § 152.131(A), except that the sign area for a building that contains a minimum of 50,000 square feet of aboveground leasable area may be increased to 32 square feet provided that the building is located in a Commercial or Industrial district.
            (iii)   Signs shall be set back from the front property line no less than one foot per one foot of sign height.
               a.   If the sign cannot be located to comply with the minimum setback requirement from the front property line without locating the sign in a parking lot or other paved surface, the sign may be located up to the front property line, provided that the sign will not disrupt any public utility service and/or interfere with the sight line visibility of motorists on the adjoining roadway. Such signs shall not exceed 16 square feet in area or four feet in width.
            (iv)   If ground-mounted, the following design standards shall apply:
               a.   Signs shall be constructed of painted, smooth-finish plywood and, if ground- mounted, shall have either flush or side-mounted, four-inch by four-inch painted wood post(s).
               b.   Sign faces up to 32 square feet in area shall be constructed of one sheet of material.
               c.   Flush-mounted signs shall include a four-inch-wide painted border on the sign faces in a color to match the signposts and contrast with the background of the sign face. The sign face area shall include the border.
               d.   Side-mounted signs shall include decorative post tops and four-inch-wide painted top and bottom supports in a color to match the signposts and contrast with the background of the sign faces. The sign face area shall not include the posts and supports.
               e.   Skirting and landscaping in addition to sod shall be optional for ground- mounted signs, and all such landscaping shall be maintained to the standard prescribed in § 152.129(A).
         (b)   Banner signs.
            (i)   For any property in the R-3, C, or I zoning districts containing a new building for lease, one wall-mounted banner may be installed during construction and the first six months following the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
            (ii)   The banner may be displayed up to an additional six months if the building is less than 50% occupied at six months past the date of occupancy for a maximum of one year, including any time the banner is displayed during construction. Exceptions to this time frame will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
            (iii)   The maximum size of such banners shall not exceed two times the area limits of § 152.131(A).
            (iv)   Such banners shall be constructed with top and bottom ropes seamed into the banner and securely attached to the building, and shall comply with the following requirements:
               a.   Minimum 12-ounce weight vinyl material.
               b.   Minimum 240 pounds per square yard of tensile strength.
               c.   Minimum 110 pounds per square yard of tear strength.
            (v)   Such banners may be illuminated.
      (7)   Temporary outdoor promotional sales or events.
         (a)   Signage and related devices used in conjunction with sales or events are permitted in addition to the maximum allowable sign area.
         (b)   A permit is required prior to the display of any signage or related devices in conjunction with sales or events. The permit fee shall be set annually by City Council resolution.
         (c)   Signage and related devices shall meet the following standards:
            (i)   Small balloons: The size of small balloons or a group of connected balloons shall not exceed two feet as the largest dimension, except that balloon arches not exceeding eight inches in height shall be allowed.
            (ii)   Tents: Tents, including all ties, ropes, stakes, and the like, shall be located entirely upon the permittee's property and shall comply with the city's setback requirements for accessory buildings.
            (iii)   Bannerettes:
               a.   Bannerettes may be used on light standards or flagpoles.
               b.   No more than one bannerette shall be allowed per standard or pole.
               c.   Bannerettes shall be smaller than any U.S. flag on the property and shall not be flown at a height greater than any U.S. flag allowed on the property.
            (iv)   Banners:
               a.   Banners may be attached to poles, tents, and buildings, provided they are well secured and are prevented from being blown around uncontrollably by the wind.
               b.   Banners shall not be larger than 100 square feet nor higher than the wall of the principal building on the lot.
               c.   All banners shall be maintained such that they do not become ripped, torn, defaced, damaged, loose, or unsecured.
            (v)   All signage and related devices shall meet the lighting requirements found in § 152.129 General Provisions.
            (vi)   No signage or related devices shall be located in the public right-of-way.
            (vii)   All signage and related devices shall be removed no later than the last day of the special event.
   (C)   Off-premises temporary signs. No person shall install or cause to be installed an off-premises temporary sign, except as follows:
      (1)   Temporary off-premises signs may be installed in any district as follows:
         (a)   No sign shall exceed 28 inches by 28 inches in size.
         (b)   Sign placement:
            (i)   The signs shall not be located more than one mile from the property.
            (ii)   The signs shall not be placed closer than five feet to any curb.
            (iii)   The signs shall not be placed on a sidewalk.
            (iv)   The signs shall not interfere with traffic visibility.
            (v)   The signs shall not be placed on private property without the written consent of the property owner.
         (c)   Sign quantity per property shall be limited to a maximum of 12 signs, with a maximum of two signs per intersection.
         (d)   A sign may be in place for a maximum of 30 days.
      (2)   The Planning Commission and the City Council may authorize temporary off-premises signs for any business areas that have access to any public street that is under construction or reconstruction, or is being repaired. The signs shall be removed upon completion of the street construction, reconstruction or repairs.
      (3)   New residential development: A developer may obtain sign permits to erect off-premises temporary signs as follows:
         (a)   Each developer shall be allowed two such signs per entrance to the development up to a maximum of four such signs.
         (b)   Each sign shall not exceed 32 square feet in area and six feet in height.
         (c)   Each sign shall be erected on private property and shall be set back at least five feet from all lot lines.
         (d)   Signs shall be painted on all sides, including support posts. The signs shall be uniform in design and size.
         (e)   Signs shall not be illuminated.
         (f)   Signs may remain in place until occupancy permits have been issued by the city for 90% of the lots in single-unit subdivisions and 80% of the units in all other residential developments, at which time the signs shall be removed. The city shall issue no additional building permits for new construction within the development until all off-premises signs have been removed.
(Ord. 2023-02, passed 5-9-23)