(A) Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ERODIBLE SLOPE. All slopes with inclines in excess of 4%.
EROSION includes both the detachment and transport of soil particles.
LARGE FLAT SURFACE AREA (UNPAVED). An area which is flat or whose slope is less than 4% and which consists of more than 1,000 square feet of exposed soil.
SEDIMENTATION. The sending out of the soil particles which are transported by water and wind. Sedimentation occurs when the velocity of water or wind in which soil particles are suspended is slowed to a sufficient degree and for a sufficient period of time to allow the particles to settle out of suspension or when the degree of slope is lessened to achieve the same result.
SOIL EROSION. Any removal and/or loss of soil by the action of water, ice, gravity or wind.
(B) Erosion control policies. Any conditional use permit or other application requiring site plan approval and subdivision plats shall prepare a soil erosion plan addressing the following policies. Such plan shall be approved by the City Engineer as a condition to site plan approval.
(1) The smallest practical area of land shall be exposed at any given time during development.
(2) Such minimum area exposure shall be kept to as short a duration of time as is practicable.
(3) If at all practicable, temporary vegetation, mulching, or other cover shall be used to protect
areas exposed during development.
(4) Provision shall be made to effectively accommodate the increased surface water runoff caused by changed soil and surface conditions during and after development on upstream and downstream flooding, surface water runoff volumes, and soil erosion and sedimentation, such that there is no significant increase thereof.
(5) Permanent, final plant covering or structures shall be installed as soon as possible.
(6) The plan of development shall relate to the topography and soils of the site so that the lowest potential for erosion is created.
(7) Natural plant covering shall be retained and protected and shall be deemed a dominating factor in developing the site.
(Ord. 2023-02, passed 5-9-23)