(A)   General. Land reserved for any street purposes may not be counted in satisfying yard or area requirements of the Zoning Code, whether the land is to be dedicated in fee simple or as an easement granted to the city.
   (B)   Lot dimensions.
      (1)   Minimum lot frontage; frontage modifications. Where curvilinear streets and cul-de sacs are used in a subdivision or where other unconventional lot shapes are used, a reduction in the lot frontage shall be permitted, provided that:
         (a)   The lot width measured at the required front yard setback shall equal the frontage required in this district; and
         (b)   The lot width measured at the front lot line shall not be less than 40 feet in the R-1 district and 35 feet in the R-2 and R-3 districts.
      (2)   Table 152.3 Minimum Lot Dimensions.
   (C)   Site dimensions.
      (1)   Table 152.4 Site Dimensions.
   152.3 Minimum Lot Dimensions
Minimum Lot Dimensions
Lot Area
Lot Width/Frontage
Minimum Lot Dimensions
Lot Area
Lot Width/Frontage
General agriculture uses
15 acres
200 feet
All other uses
2 acres
150 feet
Dwelling, single-unit detached
7,200 SF
60 feet
Dwelling, manufactured home
7,200 SF
60 feet
Dwelling, two-unit (twinhome)
7,200 SF per unit
60 feet per unit
Dwelling, two-unit (duplex)
8,400 SF
70 feet
0.5 acre
70 feet
All other uses
8,400 SF
80 feet
Dwelling, single-unit detached
6,000 SF
50 feet
Dwelling, manufactured home
6,000 SF
50 feet
Dwelling, two-unit (twinhome)
6,000 SF per unit
50 feet
Dwelling, two-unit (duplex)
7,500 SF
60 feet
Dwelling, three to five unit
3,750 SF per unit
80 feet
Dwelling, townhouse or rowhouse
2,500 SF per unit
20 feet per unit
Dwelling, apartment
2,000 SF per unit
60 feet
All other uses
7,500 SF
80 feet
Dwelling, townhouse or rowhouse
2,500 SF per unit
20 feet per unit
Dwelling, apartment
2,000 SF per unit
60 feet
All other uses
5,000 SF
60 feet
All uses (historic downtown) 1,2 
2,000 SF
35 feet
All uses
5,000 SF
50 feet
All uses (historic downtown) 1 
50 feet
All uses
60 feet
1 The historic downtown area shall be determined as identified in the Byron Comprehensive Plan Neighborhood Districts Map.
2 All buffering and screening requirements as specified in § 152.085 Buffering and Screening shall be complied with under these provisions of this chapter. Where alleys exist, the rear yard measurement may include one-half the width of the alley. All loading/unloading areas and storage area requirements shall be complied with.
   152.4 Site Dimensions
Minimum Setbacks
Maximum Height
Maximum Lot Coverage
Least width
Minimum Setbacks
Maximum Height
Maximum Lot Coverage
Least width
All uses
45 ft.
30 ft.
75 ft.
30 ft.
50 ft.
No height restrictions except where located within 200 ft of a residential zoning district, no building or structure shall have a maximum height of more than 55 ft.
Residential uses are 35 ft.
Dwelling, single-unit detached
25 ft.
5 ft.
15 ft.
25 ft.
20 ft.
30 ft.
Dwelling, manufactured home
25 ft.
5 ft.
15 ft.
25 ft.
20 ft.
Dwelling, two-unit (twinhome)
25 ft.
15 ft.
25 ft.
20 ft.
Dwelling, two-unit (duplex)
25 ft.
7 ft.
20 ft.
25 ft.
20 ft.
25 ft.
5 ft.
15 ft.
25 ft.
20 ft.
55 ft. 3
All other uses
25 ft.
20 ft.
45 ft.
25 ft.
30 ft.
Dwelling, single-unit detached
20 ft.
5 ft.
15 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
35 ft.
Dwelling, manufactured home
20 ft.
5 ft.
15 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
Dwelling, two-unit (twinhome)
20 ft.
10 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
Dwelling, two-unit (duplex)
20 ft.
5 ft.
15 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
Dwelling, three to five unit
20 ft.
10 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
Dwelling, townhouse or rowhouse
20 ft.
10 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
Dwelling, apartment
20 ft.
10 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
All other uses
25 ft.
20 ft.
45 ft.
20 ft.
30 ft.
55 feet3
Dwelling, townhouse or rowhouse
20 ft.
10 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
35 ft.
Dwelling, apartment
20 ft.
10 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
All other uses
20 ft.
5 ft.
15 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
55 feet3
All uses (historic downtown)5
0 ft.
0 ft.
0 ft.
0 ft.
15 ft.6
35 ft.
All uses
45 ft.
10 ft.
20 ft.
15 ft.
25 ft.
I 7,8
All uses (historic downtown)5
15 ft.
7 ft.
14 ft.
15 ft.
15 ft.
55 ft.
All uses
15 ft.
10 ft.
20 ft.
15 ft.
15 ft.
1 This is the minimum front required for a lot abutting a local street. Where a front or side yard of a lot abuts a major thoroughfare or frontage road to a major thoroughfare, based on the Thoroughfare Plan, an additional 10 feet shall be required for the adjacent front and side yard. This requirement does not apply to nonresidential land uses. In the R-1 and R-2 districts, where existing dwellings have a front yard of more than 20 feet, all new development shall be required to have a minimum front yard that is equal to or greater than the front yards of abutting lots that have front yards abutting the same street.
2 In the R-2 and R-3 districts, where all dwellings located along the side street have a front yard less than the required 20 feet, the side street side yard shall be permitted to be reduced to the front yard but in no case shall the side street side yard be less than 10 feet.
3 Any building in the R-1 district greater than 30 feet in height shall be set back from all lot lines 1 foot for each foot the building is greater than 30 feet. Any building in the R-2 or R-3 districts greater than 35 feet in height shall be set back from all lot lines 1 foot for each foot the building is greater than 35 feet.
4 All buffering and screening requirements as identified in § 152.085 Buffering and Screening shall be complied with under these provisions of this chapter.
5 The historic downtown area shall be determined as identified on the Byron Comprehensive Plan Neighborhood Districts Map.
6 The minimum rear yard may be reduced to zero where a commercial establishment has a part of its business located on an abutting lot which is located only within the commercial or industrial districts.
7 Where the use abuts a residential zoning district or a federal, state or county highway, a 45 foot setback shall be required.
8 Where an industrial establishment abuts a railroad right-of-way, the abutting side or rear yard may be reduced to zero. The minimum side or rear yard may be reduced to zero where an industrial establishment has a part of its business located on an abutting lot which is located only within the Commercial or Industrial District.
9 This percentage refers to 100% of the area available for building. This area is the area remaining after providing the minimum area or more for yard requirements, buffer and screen requirements, parking area and loading/unloading requirements where required.
(Ord. 2023-02, passed 5-9-23)