To the end that the civil defense functions and responsibilities of this city may be discharged in the most comprehensive, effective and economical manner possible under law, and recognizing the artificiality of territorial limits of municipalities and political subdivisions of this state in times of civil defense emergencies, especially those created by hostile enemy action or attack, the council acknowledges the desirability of joining with the County of Olmsted. Minnesota, to form a common civil defense organization under the provisions of M.S. § 12.25, subd. 5 and M.S. § 471.59. Such a common civil defense organization may be officially established by the execution of an agreement between the City of Byron and the County of Olmsted, approved by the Governor of the State of Minnesota, setting forth in detail the form, procedures, powers, duties and other matters necessary to the formation, organization, operation, maintenance, regulation and dissolution of such common civil defense organization. The extent that the provisions of this chapter are consistent with the provisions of such agreement, they shall be deemed a part thereof; but to the extent that the provisions of this chapter are inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of such agreement shall be paramount and shall govern.
(Ord. passed 3-11-09)