(a)    Any news media organization may request that the Fiscal Officer give notification in advance of the time, place and purposes of any special meeting of a public body.  Notification may be by telephone or in writing, at the option of the Fiscal Officer. The Fiscal Officer may require any news media organization to file with him on a standard form any information which he deems reasonably necessary in order to adequately provide such notification, including but not limited to the name, address and phone number of the organization and the names of not more than two persons designated by the organization to receive notification. No special meeting may be held until twenty-four hours after all news media requesting such notification have received such notification or until twenty-four hours after the Fiscal Officer has made a diligent effort to communicate notification during the Fiscal Officer’s regular business hours.
   (b)    In the event of an emergency requiring immediate official action, the member or members of the public body calling the meeting shall notify, or make a diligent effort to notify, the news media organizations who have filed a request for notification with the Fiscal Officer of the time, place and purpose of the meeting. Any such member or members may, in attempting to notify the news media, rely upon the information filed with the Fiscal Officer by any news media organization.