(a) The Fiscal Officer shall investigate each application for a taxicab license, and if he decides after such investigation, that the public convenience and necessity justify the operation of the vehicle for which the license is desired, the applicant shall furnish the Fiscal Officer with any additional information required. If the Fiscal Officer then finds that the applicant is the owner of the vehicle for which the license is desired, that the vehicle is a safe and fit conveyance and that it complies with all the requirements of this chapter, he shall issue a license to the applicant upon the furnishing of the bond or insurance required.
(b) All taxicab licenses, in accordance with the terms of this chapter, shall have their licenses renewed for each succeeding year without a finding of convenience and necessity of the Fiscal Officer, providing all other requirements of this chapter are complied with.
(Ord. 838. Passed 7-10-72; Ord. 2011-10. Passed 5-25-11.)