(a)    The Village Fiscal Officer is hereby authorized to issue licenses to exhibitors of mechanical or electrical amusement devices and to issue licenses to owners or other persons, operating amusement arcades upon payment of the following fees:
      (1)    For "mechanical or electrical amusement devices": twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per year for each machine.
      (2)    For a juke box: twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per year for each machine.
      (3)    For amusement arcades: one hundred dollars ($100.00) per year for each place of business, or seventy-five dollars ($75.00) for any period of one hundred and eighty-two days or less falling within anyone calendar year.
   Such fee shall be in addition to and independent of a machine or exhibitors' fee.
   (b)    No licenses shall be issued to an applicant until the Fiscal Officer has found that the applicant is of good moral character. The lack of finding of good moral character on the part of the applicant shall be grounds for denial or revocation of such licenses by the Clerk.
(Ord. 81-45. Passed 12-9-81.)