For the purpose of this chapter the following terms have the definition hereafter given:
(a) The definition of the terms “taxpayer”, “association”, “business”, “corporation”, “employee”, “employer”, “net profits”, “nonresident”, “person”, “resident” and “other entity” shall be the same as set forth in Section 183.01.
(b) “Place of business” means any bona fide office (other than a mere statutory office), factory, warehouse or other space which is occupied and used by the taxpayer in carrying on any business activity individually or through one or more of his regular employees. A taxpayer does not have a regular place of business outside of the Village solely by consigning goods to an independent factor or contractor outside the Village for sale.
(c) “Business allocation percentage”, as used in this chapter, means the average percentage arrived at by applying the formula set forth in Section 183.02(h). “Business allocation percentage” is the percentage which may be applied to determine the portion of the entire net profits of a taxpayer to be allocated as having been made within the Village within the meaning of the provisions of Section 183.02.
(d) “The Ordinance” means Ordinance 845 enacted by Council on November 27, 1972, (codified herein as Chapter 183) and any amendments or supplements thereto.
(e) The singular shall include the plural and the masculine shall include the feminine and the neuter. (Res. 402. Passed 11-27-72.)
(f) “Taxable income” means qualifying wage or wages paid by an employer or employers, compensation for personal services, other income defined by statue as taxable, and/or adjusted federal taxable income from the operation of a business, profession, or other enterprise or activity adjusted in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 2004-07. Passed 9-29-04.)