(a)   The Park Commission shall consist of three members each of whom shall be an elector of the Village and each of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of at least a majority of the members of Council.  Each member of the Commission shall serve without compensation for a term of three years from the date of his appointment with the exception of the initial appointment of members appointed in the manner and for the term as provided in subsection (b) hereof.
   (b)   The initial appointments to the Commission shall be made by the Mayor with the approval of at least a majority of the members of Council for the following terms:
      (1)   One member shall serve for a term ending on December 31, 1967;
      (2)   One member shall serve for a term ending on December 31, 1968;
      (3)   One member shall serve for a term ending on December 31, 1969.
   Thereafter, upon the expiration of the initial terms of office for the members of the Commission, the Mayor shall appoint a successor to fill each vacancy thus arising for a full term of three years in the manner as provided in subsection (a) hereof.  Such appointments shall be effective from January 1 next following the expiration of the term of office of the predecessor in office.  (Ord. 99-18.  Passed 12-22-99.)