The following specifications, derived from ASTM F 567 and F 761, and Standard Practice in the Fence Industry, shall apply to the materials and construction of chain link fences:
   (a)    Structural Members:
      (1)    Posts. Post spacing shall not exceed ten feet (10'). Posts shall be set in concrete. Diameter of holes shall be four times the largest cross section of the post.
      (2)   Depth. Depth shall be a minimum of twenty-four inches (24") for a four- foot high fence, plus an additional three inches (3") for each  additional one foot increase in height over four feet.
      (3)    Top Rail. A top rail shall be used for all chain link fences. Top rail shall be continuous between terminals and shall be swedged or sleeved. Top rail shall be supported at all posts. At corners and terminals, rail shall be connected by means of a rail end fitting.
      (4)    Dimensions of Structural Members.
Minimum Diameter
5' or less in height
6' height
Top Rail
1-3/8 in.
1-3/8 in.
Line Post
1-5/8 in.
2 in.
Terminal and Gate Post
2 1/2 in.
2 1/2 in.
      (5)    Fabric. The salvage edge of wire fabric shall be either knuckled or twisted. The fabric shall be installed with only a knuckled edge at the  top. Rolls of wire fabric shall be joined by weaving a single picket  into the ends of rolls to form a continuous mesh. Fasten fabric to line  posts at intervals not exceeding fifteen inches (15"). Fasten fabric to  top rail at intervals not exceeding twenty-four inches (24"). Tension  bars shall be used at all terminal, corner and gate posts. Fabric shall  be tightened to provide a smooth, uniform appearance free from sag.
         (Ord. 01-08.  Passed 7-11-01.)