(a) Applications for permits described in Section 1311.01 shall be available at the office of the Village Clerk. The application shall be completed and returned to the Village Clerk. Upon receipt by the Village Clerk, the application shall be forwarded to the Building Inspector prior to approval. The Building Inspector shall review the property that is the subject of the permit application and shall return a report to the Clerk indicating whether the Building Inspector recommends approval or denial of the permit application and the reasons therefor.
(b) Permit fees shall be established as follows:
(1) All residential permits $30.00
(2) All commercial permits $100.00
(3) All industrial permits $200.00
(c) The work on all residential permits must be completed within 30 days of the date of the approval of the permit. The work on all commercial and industrial permits must be completed within 60 days of the date of the approval of the permit.
(d) In the event that any party believes that the work cannot be completed within the time limits described herein, an extension may be requested from the Building Inspector.
(e) All permit fees shall be refunded, in full, if work is completed within the time frames described herein. (Ord. 2007-8. Passed 4-25-07.)