The owner or developer shall provide the following improvements: streets graded full width, paving, curbs, gutters and drainage structures; sanitary sewers, sewer laterals and all other necessary appurtenances; a loop type water distribution system including mains, services, valves and fire hydrants; sidewalks including sidewalks for any access walkways included in the subdivision, storm sewers and necessary appurtenances; and street name signs. Street lighting facilities shall be provided in accord with current Village regulations pertaining thereto.
   (a)    The following pavement widths, including curbs, shall apply for the type of street indicated:
      Arterial Streets - 40 feet to 54 feet as determined by the Planning Commission.
      Collector - 36 feet to 40 feet
      Minor Street - 26 feet
      Alleys - 20 feet
      Cul-de-sac - 26 feet with paved turnaround radius of 40 feet.
   (b)    Within the corporate limits of the Village, each lot shall be serviced by a public sanitary sewer system. Where public or community water and sanitary sewer systems are accessible, each lot shall be serviced by the public or community water and sewerage systems.
   (c)    If, within the Village, temporary measures for providing sanitary sewer facilities are approved by the Planning Commission, such temporary measures shall include but are not limited to installation of package sewer treatment plants, lift stations, temporary sewer lines or force mains which direct flow to sewers not planned to receive such flow. Lands within such subdivision shall be subject to future assessments for relieving the temporary sanitary sewer measures and proper waivers shall be noted on the subdivision plans and plats and in the conveyance of such lands indicating such possible future assessments.
   (d)    The design and construction of all utility, street, storm sewer and sidewalk improvements shall be in accord with the standard specifications for the Village.  All improvements shall be designed in consideration of the needs of adjoining undeveloped areas and shall extend to the boundary of the tract or be available for extension. Plans and specifications for such improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the Village Engineer and the installation shall be inspected by the Village Engineer. Developments within the three mile jurisdiction shall be re- viewed and approved by the County Engineer.
   (e)    Drainage and Grading. The entire development shall be graded so that the surface of the ground and paved areas of each lot will drain onto the street, into a storm sewer, or into a natural drainage way without causing injury to adjoining lots.
   (f)    Trees.  Trees when planted in the street right of way shall be planted at locations and at intervals so as to cause the least possible interference with street lighting, underground utilities and traffic visibility at intersections. The species, size and location shall be approved by the Commission.
      (Ord. 849. Passed 3-12-73.)