The subdivider shall submit with his application for approval of a preliminary plan of a major subdivision the following maps, data and plans:
   (a)    Maps and Data.
      (1)    Vicinity or location map.  A map showing location of the tract to be subdivided and its relationship to the entire tract, to adjacent property of the same ownership, adjacent developments, schools, playgrounds, parks and other community facilities.
      (2)    Property line maps. A map showing bearings and distances of the boundaries of the tract to be subdivided; location, width and purpose of easements; the name, width and location of existing or platted streets; and location of pavements and sidewalks on adjoining property.
      (3)    Utility map.  A map showing location and size of existing water and gas lines; location, size and invert elevation of existing sanitary and storm sewers, fire hydrants, electric and telephone poles; and the direction and distance to water mains and sewer lines if not located on or adjacent to the tract of land to be subdivided.
      (4)    Topographic map.  A map showing ground elevations with existing contours shown at intervals of not more than five feet where the slope is greater than ten percent and not more than two feet where the slope is less than ten percent.  Elevations are to be based on mean sea level datum as established by USGS.
      (5)    Other information.
         A.    The location and results of tests made to ascertain subsurface soil conditions shall be shown if required by the Commission. Location and results of soil percolation tests shall be indicated if individual sewage disposal systems are proposed.
         B.    Watercourses, marshes, rock outcrop, wooded areas, isolated preservable trees, houses and other structures shall be shown.
         C.    Approximate direction and gradient of ground slope of adjacent properties, including embankments and retaining walls, character and location of buildings, railroads, powerlines, towers and other nearby nonresidential land uses or adverse influences and the names of owners of adjacent lands shall be shown.
         D.    Zoning of the tract to be subdivided and adjacent properties shall be indicated.
         E.    Proposed public improvements such as highways or other projects planned by public authorities for future construction on or near the tract shall be shown.
      (6)    Titles and certificates.  The name of the proposed subdivision shall be shown;  also names and addresses of owners, a notation stating acreage, scale, north arrow, benchmarks, certification of registered civil engineer and a registered surveyor and date of survey shall also be included.
   (b)    Preliminary Plan.  The subdivision plan shall be shown on a map with a scale of not less than one hundred feet to one inch. The plan shall be accurately and clearly drawn and shall show all proposals, including the following:
      (1)    Streets:  The layout, right of way and pavement widths, approximate grades, names.
      (2)    Other rights of way or easements; location, width and purposes.
      (3)    Lots: Lot lines, dimensions and numbers.
      (4)    Sites, if any, for multi-family dwellings, institutions, business or industrial uses.
      (5)    Sites, if any, to be reserved or dedicated for parks, playgrounds, schools or other public uses.
      (6)    Minimum building setback lines.
      (7)    Title, scale, north point and date.
      (8)    Preliminary or general plan for public utilities.
   (c)    When application is made for approval of the preliminary plan of a minor subdivision as outlined in these Subdivision Regulations, the Planning Commission may require only such maps, plans and data as are necessary in order to ascertain compliance with the general spirit and intent of these regulations. 
      (Ord. 849. Passed 3-12-73.)