SECTION 1:01 The Byesville Village Council shall meet in regular session on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. When the same shall fall on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held on the following evening.
SECTION 1:02 Pursuant to 3.20 OML and 731.40 ORC Special Meetings may be called by the Mayor, President of Council, or any three members upon at least twelve hours notice to each member served personally or left at members usual place of residence.
SECTION 1:03 The Fiscal Officer of the Village, after being notified of a special meeting, will immediately notify the news media of the special meeting.
SECTION 2:01 All meetings of the Village Council shall begin at 5:30 pm, unless changed by a majority vote of Council. In event of a change in meeting time, all Councilmen must be notified at least 24 hours before the time of the meeting. Notification is to be made by the Fiscal Officer of the Village.
SECTION 2:02 The Fiscal Officer of the Village, after being notified of a change in meeting time, will immediately notify the news media of the special meeting.
SECTION 3:01 Councilmen shall attend all regular Council meetings. Any councilman, who, for any reason, is unable to attend a meeting of Council, shall by motion be excused, according to law.
SECTION 4:01 All deliberations of Council shall be public, except in those instances exempted by law, pursuant to Section 121.22 ORC or as set out in the “Sunshine Laws”.
SECTION 4:02 The Fiscal Officer of the Village shall post a schedule of regular meetings on a Bulletin Board in Village Hall.
SECTION 5:01 The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order (most revised edition) shall govern the Council in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the State Code of Ohio, Statutory Form of Government or rules contained in this resolution. Any question pertaining to the rules of order will be decided by the Mayor, subject to the right of appeal from the decision of the chair, but the appeal must be duly seconded. In the event the decision of the chair is so appealed from and seconded then the chair shall put the following question to Council: “The decision of the chair has been appealed from, shall the decision of the chair be sustained?” A roll call vote shall be taken.
SECTION 6:01 There shall be the following standing committees of Village Council: Finance Committee (which shall handle monetary matters), Village Services Committee (which shall be the former Utilities, Building, Safety, and Street Committees), and Legislative (which shall handle contracts, ordinance changes, etc.) Each Committee shall consist of three members, and one alternate. The Mayor shall serve as an ad-hoc committee member on all committees.
SECTION 6:02 Members and Chairman of standing committees shall be selected by the President of Council.
SECTION 6:03 Each committee shall investigate and make recommendations on all matters referred to them for consideration.
SECTION 6:04 Should a majority of a committee feel that a matter placed on their committee warrant study by Council-As-A-Whole, a request signed by the majority of said committee shall be read by the Fiscal Officer of the Village at the next regularly scheduled Council meeting. The Mayor shall then place the matter in question in Council Committee-As-A- Whole and shall serve as chairperson of this committee.
SECTION 6:05 When a matter is referred to a standing committee, the committee shall within two regular Council meetings, thereafter, file their recommendations or a progress report on the matter before them.
SECTION 6:06 Each Committee shall meet on the date and time as set forth by the President of Council, and each committee may adopt such other rules as its members feel are necessary to conduct matters before it. No committee rule shall conflict with Village, State, or Federal Law.
SECTION 6:07 Each Committee may call special meetings of its Committee on the concurrence of any two (2) of its members.
SECTION 6:08 The term of Committee assignments selected by Council shall be in effect until otherwise changed.
SECTION 7:01 Any Councilman desiring to speak before Council may secure recognition from the Mayor before he speaks. He must confine himself to one subject at a time or the matter under discussion. All Councilmen must avoid bringing personalities into their discussion, and the Mayor’s call to order must be obeyed.
SECTION 8:01 No persons other than Village Officials, representatives of the press and radio, or invited guests, shall during a session, except when addressing the Council, be admitted to the floor of Council to speak. Those desiring to address Council must secure recognition of the Mayor before they speak. Said public participation shall be prior to any deliberations by Council. Persons speaking before the body must give their name and address, and the Fiscal Officer shall make a record of the same. Remarks must be confined to three minutes of speaking time per any one meeting, unless extended by the Mayor, or a majority of Council members present. All personalities must be avoided and the Mayor’s call to order must be obeyed. Persons violating this order shall be removed from the Council Chamber before any further recognition of guests. Reproduction devices for the purposes of reproducing audio or visual representations are prohibited without the express consent of the Mayor and a majority of Council.
SECTION 9:01 Any and all matters introduced in Village Council session shall be referred to a standing committee before final action is taken. The Mayor shall refer all matters he deems need attention by Council to a standing committee for their recommendations. Recommendations of such committees, shall not be made, or action taken thereon, until a subsequent meeting of Council; except in case of an emergency, where special legislation needs acted on, the elapsed time between meetings being waived, at the discretion of the Mayor, or a majority of members elected to Council.
SECTION 10:01 All committees shall make their reports in writing, signed by a majority of such committees; which reports shall be preserved among the records of Council. No record book, paper or official document shall be removed from the Fiscal Officer’s office without the consent of the Mayor. The Fiscal Officer of the Village shall obtain a receipt whenever any of the above is taken from the Fiscal Officer’s office.
SECTION 11:01 All business presented at Council session, requiring an ordinance or resolution should, when possible, be presented in legal form by Councilmen, Village official, or Department Head. Said legal document and a copy thereof to be retained by the Fiscal Officer of the Village for Council Records. All copies for posting shall be posted by the Fiscal Officer in the manner and places as already set forth in the Village Ordinances. This section shall be waived in matters of transfer of funds, appropriations, and salary adjustments.
SECTION 12:01 All legislation and business requiring final action by Council, must be presented to the Village Fiscal Officer by close of business Friday preceding the regularly scheduled Council Meeting. The Fiscal Officer shall prepare an agenda subject to the Mayor, for the regular Council Meeting to be held the following Wednesday night. The Fiscal Officer shall supply a copy of the Agenda to each Council member, the Mayor, the Radio, and the News press prior to each meeting. No final action shall be taken on any matter not listed on the Agenda. In the event business of an emergency nature should be brought to the attention of the Mayor, he may place it on the Agenda by notifying each Councilman of the subject and reason for the emergency action. Said notification shall be at least one-half hour before the meeting in question.
SECTION 13:01 Each Council meeting shall be preceded by an invocation given by one member of Council.
SECTION 14:01 The Fiscal Officer of the Village shall notify the Mayor of all correspondence received by the Fiscal Officer relating to Council business as soon as possible.
SECTION 15:01 These rules and regulations shall continue in effect until otherwise amended or changed by 2/3rds majority vote of Council.
(Ord. 01-00. Passed 3-8-00.)