13.7.1   Pedestrian circulation. Off-street parking lots with 25 or more spaces shall include pedestrian corridors through parking areas and sidewalks along building facades to accommodate safe pedestrian travel. Pedestrian corridors shall be demarcated by painting, material changes, or differing heights where they cross vehicular travelways.
   13.7.2   Pedestrian pathways through parking lots. Off-street parking lots containing 150 or more spaces shall provide fully separated pedestrian pathways within the parking lot. These pathways shall:
   (A)   Be located within planted landscaping strips located a minimum of every 130 feet, or every four parking rows;
   (B)   Be paved with asphalt, cement, or other comparable material;
   (C)   Be of contrasting color or materials when crossing drive aisles;
   (D)   Be at least three feet in width when located within planting strips, and ten feet in width when crossing drive aisles;
   (E)   Terminate at drive aisle edges;
   (F)   Be positively drained; and
   (G)   Provide safe and efficient pedestrian access to the use they serve.
   13.7.3   Bicycle parking. All development with parking areas with 25 or more spaces shall provide bicycle parking facilities, which shall comply with the following standards.
   (A)   Bicycle parking spaces shall be conveniently located, but in no case shall such facilities be located farther than 100 linear feet from the primary building entrance.
   (B)   Bicycle parking spaces shall be provided at the rate of one space per ten off-street parking spaces, with a maximum requirement of ten bicycle spaces.
   (C)   Bicycle facilities shall include a rack or other device to enable bicycles to be secured.
   (D)   Access from the bicycle parking area to the primary building entrance shall be constructed of asphalt, concrete, or other durable material. Such access shall also be lighted through sidewalk or parking lot lighting.