Where new public or private streets are established through the major subdivision process, street trees shall be required to be planted on both sides of the street in accordance with the following standards.
   9.7.1   Trees planted to satisfy the requirements of this section shall have a minimum mature height of 20 feet.
   9.7.2   Trees shall be planted at intervals of 40 feet as measured from the center of the trunk.
   9.7.3   Required trees shall be planted a minimum of five feet and a maximum of 15 feet from the edge of pavement.
   9.7.4   At the time of planting, each tree shall be a minimum of eight feet in height and two inches in diameter, as measured six inches above ground level.
   9.7.5   Along new streets that are to be maintained in a forested condition by the developer, the requirements of this section may be reduced or eliminated upon approval of the Ordinance Administrator in order to minimize grading and encourage the preservation of existing, mature trees. Tree planting requirements may be modified where extreme topography would require excessive grading to meet the specific standards above.