(A)   A captured animal, other than a crime prevention animal for which a current permit has been issued by the city, known to have bitten a person shall be quarantined for such a period as is specified in such cases by the Health and Hospital Corporation of DeKalb County. In the sole discretion of the quarantining authority, the quarantine may be on the premises of the owner, at the city animal shelter or those of its contractors, if any, or, at the owner's expense, in a kennel or veterinary hospital. The owner of an animal which is suspected by the quarantining authority of having bitten a person or been exposed to rabies, shall promptly surrender the animal upon demand by the authority for purposes of quarantine and observation, at the expense of the owner of the animal.
   (B)   When a quarantined animal has been found rabid or is suspected of being rabid by a licensed veterinarian and dies while under observation, the quarantining authority shall take such action as is specified in such cases by the State Board of Health and shall notify the proper public health officials of reports of human contacts made by and the diagnosis made of the animal.
(Ord. 952, passed 10-6-80; Am. Ord. 1197, passed 3-1-93)