(A)   Definition. For the purpose of this section the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   “DISABILITY.” Any condition which prohibits the Supervisor of full performance of his duties.
   (B)   Procedure; amount of payments. The Chief of Police and Street Superintendent shall receive disability benefits as follows.
      (1)   For a period of six months upon proof of the disability being submitted by the supervisor to the Board of Works. The proof shall be in the form of a medical statement from a doctor stating the nature and the cause of the disability.
      (2)   The amount of the disability payments shall be:
         (a)   The supervisor’s weekly salary minus any disability payments from any other source such as medical insurance or Workmen’s Compensation.
         (b)   It shall be the supervisor’s responsibility to pursue the collection of any supplemental benefits. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of the right to any city disability payments as outlined herein.
      (3)   The payments shall not begin until all of the supervisor’s accumulated sick leave has been used or two weeks have elapsed, whichever period of time is greater.
(Res. 220, passed 3-3-80)