Payment of wages and salaries to city employees and officials shall be made on the following basis.
   (A)   Full-time employees on either an hourly wage rate or annual salary are to be paid by two-week pay periods. The first period will be determined from the first business Monday if each year and end on the second Sunday following the business Monday, and shall continue to be calculated in that method for each subsequent pay period.
   (B)   Time sheets for each employee shall be turned into the Clerk- Treasurer's office on Monday, the day after the close of the pay period. The Clerk-Treasurer shall prepare the pay checks and have them ready for delivery to each employee not later than the following Thursday morning; provided however, should the New Year's holiday fall between the day the time sheets are turned in to the Clerk-Treasurer and the Thursday pay day, the Clerk-Treasurer shall have said pay checks prepared as soon as possible after the holiday, but in no event shall said pay checks be delayed any longer than the number of working days the holiday consisted of.
   (C)   Employees on an annual salary and the Clerk-Treasurer shall receive one twenty-sixth of the annual salary for each pay period. The following city officials: the Mayor, City Attorney, Common Council, Board of Works and Safety, and City Court Judge shall be paid quarterly at the second regular Council meeting in the months of March, June, September, and December.
   (D)   This section applies to all police officers, other than the Chief of Police. Members of the Police Department are recognized as salary employees. There will arise times during a police officer's shift when additional compensation is to be paid to the police employee. The additional compensation shall be controlled by the following:
      (1)   Types of additional compensation.
         (a)   Extra pay. Extra pay shall be given to any police officer, other than the Chief of Police, for all hours worked over 160 hours through 170 hours in a 28-day pay period.
         (b)   Overtime pay. Overtime constitutes all hours worked in excess of 171 hours during a 28-day pay period. The employee shall be paid pursuant to federal law, l½ times the officer's calculated hourly rate.
      (2)   Calculations for additional compensation.
         (a)   For extra hours worked over 160 up to 171 hours in any 28-day pay period, the extra pay shall be calculated as follows: The employee's base hourly rate shall be paid. The base hourly rate shall be calculated by taking the employee's base annual salary and dividing it by 13 (the number of 28-day pay periods in a year). This number shall be the base salary for a single 28-day pay period. The base salary for a 28-day pay period shall then be divided by 171 to determine the base hourly rate. This is the rate that will be used for additional compensation for all hours worked by a member of the Police Department over 160 but less than 171 hours for any 28-day pay period.
         (b)   Overtime shall be paid at l½ times the base hourly rate as the same is described in division (A) of this section.
      (3)   Approval of additional compensation or overtime.
         (a)   All additional work time that results in additional compensation must be approved by the Chief of Police for the times worked. They must be approved in writing and dated on the day of approval. This approval must be submitted to the Clerk-Treasurer when additional compensation is requested.
         (b)   All hours worked, including any additional time that results in additional compensation, will be documented on the time sheets submitted to the Clerk-Treasurer for the respective pay periods. If additional compensation is claimed the written approval of the Chief of Police as described above, shall be attached with the documented time sheets.
         (c)   All additional compensation will be paid at the end of the 28-day pay period that the additional work occurred.
         (d)   The provisions of this section shall be retroactive to April 20, 1992.
(Res. 213, passed 12-18-78; Am. Ord. 1113, passed 12-7-87; Am. Ord. 1195, passed 12-21-92; Am. Ord. 1398, passed 10-7-02)