(A)   There is hereby established an Insurance Committee consisting of three members; the members shall be the Mayor and two other persons.
   (B)   The duties of the Committee shall be to study and analyze the group life and medical insurance coverage provided to employees of the city and its various departments and to make recommendations to the City Council concerning this coverage. Further duties shall be:
      (1)   To establish policy and procedures governing the administration of the insurance coverage provided to employees of the city and its various departments.
      (2)   Determine and recommend to the City Council the amount of all premiums, deductibles and co-pays that they determine are in the city’s and the employees’ best interests.
   (C)   If coverage is available to elected or appointed officials under the insurance coverage provided to city employees, then the elected or appointed official may participate, provided they pay 100% of the cost of providing coverage to them.
   (D)   If a husband and wife are employed by the city or its various departments, the city shall only pay for coverage under its insurance programs for the spouse who is the oldest. The other spouse may be covered as a dependent.
   (E)   If the spouse of a city employee or its various departments has medical insurance coverage at his or her place of employment, that coverage will be the spouse’s primary insurance and the coverage provided through the City of Butler will be secondary.
   (F)   The term “CITY EMPLOYEE” shall refer to all employees of the city, including employees of its various departments, such as the Street Department, Water Department, Police Department, and Wastewater Treatment Plant, and any other department or office not specifically mentioned herein.
(Res. 199, passed 5-2-77; Am. Res. 204, passed 12-19-77; Am. Res. 211, passed 8-7-78; Am. Ord. 1049, passed 2-20-84; Am. Ord. 1104, passed 7-20-87; Am. Ord. 1165, passed 11-19-90; Am. Ord. 1486, passed 1-21-08)