(a)   In addition to any other condition or regulation contained in this Chapter, the codified ordinances or the Ohio R.C., the following conditions and regulations shall control the operation of a licensed sweepstakes terminal café:
      (1)   Every portion of the licensed premises shall be open for inspection by law enforcement officials with jurisdiction within the Village of Burton and municipal officials for enforcing the provisions of this Chapter.
      (2)   At least one adult operator shall be present when the premises are open to the public.
      (3)   The adult person in control of the premises shall be readily identifiable and situated at a location upon the premises which provides unobstructed view of the portion of the premises devoted to the operation of computerized sweepstakes devices.
      (4)   A person under the age of 18 years shall not be permitted upon the premises unless accompanied by a parent, guardian or an adult spouse nor permitted to operate a computerized sweepstakes device.
      (5)   The hours of operation shall not commence earlier than 9:00 a.m. nor extend beyond 12:00 a.m. EXCEPT that the premises, if also licensed for any purpose by the State of Ohio, may operate under the hours permitted by the State.
      (6)   Sweepstakes rules and odds of winning shall be posted in a conspicuous place at the premises in at least 72 point bold print and displayed on the computerized sweepstakes device at the start of each game and/or activity in at least 14 point bold font.
      (7)   The licensee shall operate the Sweepstakes Terminal Café business in compliance with Federal Trade Commission rules and regulations.
      (8)   The licensee shall provide to the Fiscal Officer on or before the tenth day of each month a complete list which includes the name, address and prize amount of each sweepstakes prize winner in the preceding month.
      (9)   All the licensed computerized sweepstakes devices shall be placed in conformity with the floor plan approved prior to the issuance of the license. The floor plan shall show the location of each computerized sweepstakes device, provide unobstructed ingress and egress to the premises, allow free and unfettered passage through the premises and permit an unobstructed view of the entire premises immediately upon entry.
      (10)   The licensee shall permit a certified Independent Regulatory Compliance Test Laboratory selected by the Village or designee to inspect and verify that all operating systems, including but not limited to software programs and computer chip components, comply with the provisions of this ordinance. The inspections shall be paid by the licensee.
      (11)   The Licensee shall not permit a computerized sweepstake device to be operated when the premises are not open to the public for business nor permit the entrance to be locked when the computerized sweepstakes devices on the premises are used by persons other than the owners, licensees, operators or employees of the internet sweepstakes café business.
         (Ord. 2230-11. Passed 11-28-11.)