The Ohio Fire Code adopted herein is modified by the enactment, amendment or deletion of the following provisions as respectively indicated, which changes are hereby adopted as set forth herein:
   F-1706:0 Self-service Filling Stations. (Enacted)
   (a)    The self-service filling station is permitted within the Village and subject to certain requirements that the Fire Prevention Officer shall establish for the operation and equipment standards for self-service filling stations.
      (1)    Each filling station offering self-service shall be operated in accordance with National Fire Protection Association standard number 30 (1974) and the provisions of the "Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970", 84 Stat. 1590, 5 U.S.C.A. 5108 and any amendments thereto and standards adopted thereunder.
      (2)    The Officer, pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3737.17 shall fix reasonable standards and shall prescribe, modify and enforce reasonable orders governing the equipment, operation and maintenance of filling stations the standards and orders shall be such as are necessary for the protection of the persons and property of the public, but shall require as a minimum that:
         A.    Each filling station offering self-service be under the direct control of a supervisor, employee or attendant at all times when gasoline or other flammable liquids are being dispensed or sold;
         B.    Gasoline and other flammable liquids be dispensed only by a person who is not smoking and who in the judgment of such supervisor, employee or attendant appears to be able and competent;
         C.    A sign, in block letters at least four inches in height, be conspicuously displayed on each gasoline pump island where self- service is offered, stating that it is a self-service island;
         D.    Signs giving instructions for the operation of gasoline dispensing equipment, in block letters at least one-half inch in height shall be conspicuously posted at each self-service filling station offering self-service;
         E.    A sign bearing the following words in block letters at least two inches in height shall be conspicuously posted on each gasoline pump island where self-service is offered;
         F.    All signs required by this section shall be constructed of rigid, weather-resistant material;
         G.    Gasoline dispensing nozzles used by any person other than a supervisor, employee or attendant shall be of an approved automatic closing type without a hold-open latch.
   (b)    Franchised dealers shall be allowed the option as to whether they wish to offer full-service, self-service on one island, or complete self-service in the conduct of their business.
      (Ord. 1112-77. Passed 1-18-77.)