(a)    Conditional use permits shall be required for certain types of main uses, so classified because of their uncommon or unique characteristics, infrequency of occurrence, large area requirements or for other reasons; and such use shall not be permitted by right. The conditional uses enumerated throughout the Zoning Ordinance may, however, be permitted under specific conditions in the district enumerated or they may be prohibited by the Board of Zoning Appeals after making a determination for conformance with the following procedures and standards.
   (b)    Application for conditional use permits shall be made by the owner, lessee or developer of property and shall consist of such plans and/or drawings and/or a statement as necessary to fully describe all elements of the proposed use. Such data supplied with the permit application shall describe in detail the proposed use to the extent that the Board can have no doubt as to the development of the proposed use and can determine the effect upon surrounding properties, and further can evaluate the effect upon traffic, fire hazards, public utilities and the public health, safety and welfare. Application for such permits shall be made to the Board and it shall hold a public hearing thereon, notice of which shall be mailed to the property owners within 200 feet for the proposed use and further, notice of aforesaid public hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Municipality at least fifteen days prior to the hearing. (Ord. 914. Passed 11-8-66.)