(a)    All landowners or persons in possession of property abutting roads and highways within the corporate limits are responsible for maintaining storm ditches, drive pipes or tile installed by such landowner or person in possession which abut their property, by the removal of putrid substances, obstructions to watercourses and all stagnant water from the storm ditches, drive pipes and tile.
   (b)    All landowners or persons in possession of property as specified in subsection (a) hereof shall maintain these storm ditches, drive pipes and tile at their own expense and if, upon receipt of two weeks written notice to clear the specific obstruction, a landowner or person in possession does not clear the obstruction, the Village will do the work at its expense and collect the amount thereof from such landowner or person in possession in a manner provided by law as follows:
      (1)    Council, upon the advice of the Street Committee, shall advise, by resolution, those persons who are in violation of this section to correct the condition within two weeks of receipt of a copy of the resolution of Council.
      (2)    The resolution of Council shall include and shall be directed to those landowners or persons in possession of property who are in violation and, in addition to the notice served upon them, the resolution shall be published in accordance with rules regarding advertisement of resolutions. (Ord. 868. Passed 11-23-59.)