(A)   New private road. An application for a private road permit shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator. Accompanying the application shall be at least 13 copies of a site plan prepared by a registered land surveyor or registered engineer and drawn at a scale of not greater than 200 feet to the inch. This site plan shall conform to all pertinent sections of the township ordinance and other government agencies. The site plan shall include the following:
      (1)   A legal description and survey of the lots or parcels;
      (2)   The names and addresses of the owners of the parcels to be served by the private road and the consent of all owners;
      (3)   A legal description of the road easement, of related utility and drainage easements, and of an access easement for the township to provide services;
      (4)   The proposed name of the private road;
      (5)   Plans, profile drawings and cross-sections of the proposed private road easements showing all materials, grades, dimensions and bearings in compliance with the standards set forth in § 156.09(A);
      (6)   Existing topography at two-foot contour/elevation intervals, soils and drainage characteristics of the subject site;
      (7)   Location of existing buildings and structures on the lots or parcels being served or intended to be served by the private road, as well as any existing building or structures in or adjacent to any proposed easement;
      (8)   The application shall also include a title search identifying all owners, lien holders or other party claiming an interest in the private road or premises to be served;
      (9)   Approvals of the County Road Commission or the State Department of Transportation (MDOT) if the property is located on a state highway or other appropriate agencies, if any, as required;
      (10)   A proposed maintenance agreement meeting the requirements of § 156.09(C); and
      (11)   Written permission of adjacent property owner(s), if required under § 156.09(A)(12).
   (B)   Extension of an existing private road. The site plan shall include the information called for in divisions (A)(1) through (10) above, except that:
      (1)   The site plan may be limited to the portion or portions of the private road affected by the extension, as set forth in § 156.09(E) below;
      (2)   The requirement for the consent of owners applies to those owners whose property is served by the portion or portions of the road included in the application;
      (3)   The proposed maintenance agreement meeting the requirements of § 156.09(C) may be limited to the same owners whose consent is required for the extension; and
      (4)   When only a portion or portions of the road is being made compliant with the standards of this subchapter, the applicant shall supply a map, to scale, of the entire road, indicating which portions are included in the application.
   (C)   Shared driveway. An application for a shared driveway permit shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator. The accompanying site plan need not be drawn by a registered land surveyor or engineer. However, it must show:
      (1)   A legal description and survey of the lots or parcels;
      (2)   A legal description of the driveway easement;
      (3)   The names and addresses of the owners of the lots or parcel owners to be served;
      (4)   The location and route of the proposed driveway, with dimensions provided, in relationship to: existing or proposed structures; related utility and drainage easements; the public or private road with which it intersects; neighboring driveways; and drainage courses or bodies of water within the shared driveway easement;
      (5)   A proposed maintenance agreement meeting the requirements of § 156.09(C); and
      (6)   Approvals of the County Road Commission or the State Department of Transportation (MDOT) if the property is located on a state highway or other appropriate agencies, if any, as required.
(Ord. 02-03, passed 6-17-2002)