Combat game areas in which participants use air guns or other similar devices that are intended only to “mark” participants and not injure them may be permitted in the A/R Agricultural/Residential District subject to the following special land use approval requirements.
(A) The site shall contain a minimum of 20 acres. The site shall not abut any residential district directly or across a street. The site shall have direct access to a public road.
(B) A 200-foot buffer zone around the perimeter of the property shall be provided in which no game activities are permitted. This buffer area shall be clearly marked so that participants will not use the area.
(C) No trespassing signs shall be placed in prominent locations.
(D) The applicant shall provide off-street parking subject to standards established by the Planning Commission.
(E) Toilet facilities shall be provided and shall be approved by the County Health Department.
(Ord. passed 6-28-2006)