All swimming pools, as defined in the State Building Code, as may be hereinafter amended, that are proposed to be erected in the township shall comply with the State Building Code and the following requirements.
   (A)   Application. The application for a zoning compliance permit (see § 154.146) to erect a swimming pool shall include the name of the owner, a plot plan, location of adjacent buildings, and nearby fences or other structures.
   (B)   Pool location. Pools may be located in the rear yard of any residential property, the front yard of any property abutting Lake Huron or the side yard of a residential property on a corner lot. The minimum side yard setback of the pool as measured from the outside pool wall to the lot line shall comply with § 154.063. Furthermore, the pool fence must not be built within the required front yard or required corner lot side yard. Rear yard setback shall not be less than four feet between the pool outside wall and the rear property line, or less than the established easement width at the rear property line, or less than four feet between pool wall and any building on the lot.
   (C)   Pool fences. Pool fences shall be at least the minimum height provided by the state building codes and not more than 48 inches tall or the minimum height provided by the state building codes, whichever is greater. Pool fences shall be located not less than five feet and not more than 20 feet from the nearest outside wall of the pool.
(Ord. passed 6-28-2006) (Ord. passed 7-6-2010)