(A) So as not to obstruct the view of a driver of a vehicle approaching an intersection, no fence, structure, wall, shrubbery, sign or other obstruction to vision above a height of 30 inches from the established street grades shall be permitted within the triangular area formed at the intersection of any street right-of-way lines by a straight line drawn between the right-of-way lines at a distance along each line 25 feet from their point of intersection.
(B) In the case of a rounded property corner, no fence, structure, wall, shrubbery, sign or other obstruction to vision above a height of 30 inches from the established street grades shall be permitted within the triangular area formed at the intersection of any extended street right-of-way lines by a straight line drawn between the extended right-of-way lines at a distance along each line 25 feet from their point of intersection.
(C) In the case of a triangular area formed at the intersection of any street right-of-way line and the edge line of any alley or driveway (public or private) by a straight line drawn between the lines at a distance along each line 15 feet from their point of intersection. (See illustration below).

(D) Shade trees shall be permitted where all branches are not less than eight feet above the road level.
(Ord. passed 6-28-2006)