The lot requirements of the R-2 General Residential District are as follows.
   (A)   No single family dwelling together with its accessory buildings, shall be hereafter erected or placed upon a lot of less than 6,000 square feet and width of not less than 50 feet and depth of not less than 120 feet;
   (B)   No two family dwelling, together with its accessory buildings, shall hereafter be erected or placed upon a lot of less than 12,000 square feet and width of 100 feet and depth of less than 120 feet;
   (C)   All lots shall have access to public right-of-way;
   (D)   Front yard. There shall be a set back of not less than 20 feet from the front lot line as to all buildings, provided that when a greater or lesser set back distance than 20 feet has been established in any block, then no building shall approach nearer any street lot line than a general average of this set back distance as determined by the Zoning Officer;
   (E)   Side yard. There shall be a side yard of not less than ten feet in width on each side of every building;
   (F)   Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard having a minimum depth of 25 feet, however, accessory building may be within five feet of any alley;
   (G)   Lot coverage. All dwelling and accessory buildings on any lot shall not cover more than 30% of the lot area. Lot coverage shall be computed to include a minimum area of 180 square feet of building area or lot area for automobile storage;
   (H)   Lot requirements for special permits shall be determined by the Zoning Commissioner.
(Prior Code, § 16-4-10)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see SDCL §§ 9-12-13, 11-4-1, 11-4-2, 11-4-3, 11-4-4