§ 52.06 WATER SALES.
   No water shall be sold or distributed unless the same is measured by a meter, which shall be furnished by the water user and kept in repair by the city.
   (A)   The standard connection with the water main shall be copper pipes from main to curb stand. All other pipes must be capable of standing a pressure of 150 pounds.
   (B)   All excavations pertaining to water lines in any of the streets of the city shall be under the supervision of the Superintendent of Public Utilities.
   (C)   All owners must, at their own expense, keep the surface pipe to the curb stop in good working order and properly protected from frost and other danger.
   (D)   If two or more premises with separate owners are supplied from the same service pipe, a minimum fee to each consumer must be paid in addition to the metered water provided to consumers.
   (E)   Owners or consumers desiring to discontinue the use of water shall be required to give notice thereof to the Water Department, and regular rates shall be continued until such notice is given. Owners must give notice of change of tenants.
   (F)   The Superintendent of Public Utilities, or other officer or employee of the city, shall be permitted, at reasonable hours, to enter the premises or buildings of consumers for the purpose of reading meters and to examine water pipes, fixtures, and the manner in which water is used; and said officers or employees reserve the right to set or remove a meter or change its location, whenever it is deemed advisable to do so.
   (G)   In cases where water meters fail to register the amount of water passing through them by being stopped, or from any other cause, the quantity used shall be determined and the charge made based upon the average amount used during two or more preceding periods of similar length.
(Prior Code, § 15-3-13)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see SDCL §§ 9-35-1, 9-47-1