(A)   Pre-application conference. Prior to subdividing land, a property owner shall consult with the City Manager to review these requirements, other applicable ordinances, and provisions of the comprehensive plan that would affect the property proposed to be subdivided. This conference shall serve as the basis for preparing the preliminary plat.
   (B)   Preliminary plat, preparation, submittal and timing for hearing. After the pre-application conference, the prospective subdivider shall prepare a preliminary plat for city review and approval in accordance with provisions of this subchapter and submit same to City Manager at least 14 days prior to a regular scheduled meeting.
   (C)   City review and approvals of preliminary plat. The City Manager shall examine and may recommend approval of the preliminary plat within 30 days, if found to be in accordance with this chapter. If changes or additions need to be made to bring the plat into conformance, changes can be completed within the 30-day period. Such changes or additions ordered by the city shall be made in writing within 15 working days from the time when the preliminary subdivision plat was received by the City Manager. If at the end of this 30-day period, the City Manager still does not recommend approval of the plat, the subdivider may appeal to the Board of Commissioners, who may approve or reject the preliminary plat.
   (D)   City review and approvals of final plat. Following the approval of the preliminary plat, the final plat shall be submitted in accordance with § 155.32 . The City Manager shall examine said plat; and, if it is in accordance with the approved preliminary plat and provisions of this chapter, the City Manager may recommend approval of said plat within 60 days of submission. In the event the final plat is disapproved by the City Manager, the subdivider may appeal to the Board of Commissioners in the same manner as set out in division (C) above.
   (E)   Performance of improvements, guarantees, and bonds. Following recommended approval of the preliminary and final plats by the City Manager, and the subsequent formal approval by the Board of Commissioners in public hearings, the subdivider shall install or guarantee installation of improvements as required herein, according to the provisions of the City of Burkburnett Three-Way Agreement (see Schedule C - Certification Packet, which is attached to Ord. 445 and which is hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein).
(Ord. 445, passed 12-21-87)