In addition to the powers hereinbefore specifically enumerated, said city shall have the power to define all nuisances, prohibit the same within the city and outside the city limits for a distance of five thousand feet.
To police all parks, grounds, speed ways, streets, avenues and alleys owned by said city within or without the city limits.
To prohibit the pollution of all sources of water supply of said city, and to provide for the protection of water sheds.
To inspect dairies, slaughter pens, and slaughter houses, inside and outside the city limits of the city, from which meat or milk is furnished to the inhabitants of the city.
To license, operate and control the operation of all character of vehicles using public streets, and to prescribe the speed of the same, the qualifications of the operator of the same, and the lighting of the same by night and to provide for the giving of bond or other security for the operation of same.
To regulate, license and fix charges of fares made by any person owning, operating or controlling any vehicle of any character used for the carrying of passengers for hire or transportation of freight for hire on the public streets and alleys of the city.
To license any lawful business, occupation or calling that is susceptible to the control of the police power.
To license, regulate, control or prohibit the erection of signs or bill boards within the corporate limits of said city.
To provide for Police and Fire Departments.
To provide for a Health Department and to establish all necessary rules and regulations protecting the health of the city and the establishment of quarantine stations and pest houses, emergency hospitals and hospitals, and to provide for the adoption of necessary quarantine laws to protect the inhabitants against contagious or infectious diseases.
To require property owners to make connections with the sewer system with their premises and to provide for fixing a lien against any property owner's premises, who fails or refuses to make sanitary sewer connections and to charge the cost against said owner and make it a personal liability, also provide for fixing penalties for failure to make sanitary sewer connections, provided the sewer system is owned and operated by the city.
To provide that gas companies, street car companies, telephone companies, telegraph companies and electric light companies or any other companies or individuals enjoying a franchise now or hereafter from the city to make and furnish extension of their service to such territory within the corporate limits as may be prescribed from time to time by ordinance.
To provide for the regulation and control of plumbers and plumbing works and to require efficiency in the same.
To provide for the inspection of weights, measures and meters and fix a standard of such weights, measures and meters, and to require conformity to such standards, and to provide penalties for failure to use or conform to the same, and to provide for inspection fees.
To provide for the issuance of permits for erecting all buildings; for the inspection of the construction of buildings, in respect to proper wiring for electric lights and other electric appliances; piping for gas, flues, chimneys, plumbing and sewer connections, and to enforce proper regulations in regard thereto.
To provide for the enforcement of all ordinances enacted by the city, by a fine not to exceed the amount allowed by state law; provided, that no ordinances enacted by the city shall prescribe a greater or less penalty than is prescribed for a like offense by the laws of this State.
(Adopted May 8, 1923; Am. Ord. 871, passed 2-16-15, as adopted by election held on 5-9-15)