Section 1. GENERAL.
   The City of Burkburnett, made a body politic and corporate by the legal adoption of this Charter, shall have perpetual succession; may use a common seal, may sue and be sued, may contract and be contracted with, implead and be impleaded in all courts and places and in all matters whatever; may take, hold, and purchase such lands, within or without the city limits, as may be needed for corporate purposes of said city, and may sell any real estate or personal property owned by it; perform and render all public services, and when deemed expedient may condemn property for corporate use, and may hold, manage and control the same, and shall be subject to all the duties and obligations now pertaining to or incumbent upon said city as a corporation, not in conflict with the provisions of this Charter, and shall enjoy all rights, immunities, powers, privileges and franchises now possessed by said city and herein conferred and granted.
(Adopted May 8, 1923)