(A)   It shall be the responsibility of the owner or harborer of a vicious dog to securely confine such animal. A vicious dog shall be confined in an enclosure with the walls or fence at least six feet high and otherwise designed to prevent escape by the dog. The enclosure must be securely locked.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for a vicious dog to be outside the dwelling of the owner or outside the enclosure unless it is necessary for the owner to obtain veterinary care for the vicious dog or to sell or give away the vicious dog or to comply with directions of the animal control officer. In such event, the vicious dog shall be securely restrained with a chain having a minimum tensile strength of 300 pounds and not exceeding three feet in length and shall be under direct control and supervision of the owner or harborer or humanely caged. Unless confined or restrained under conditions stated in this subsection, the vicious dog shall be considered at large and subject to the penalties of this chapter of the code.
   (C)   A vicious dog may not be chained to any object outside the dwelling or locked enclosure either on or off the property of the owner.
   (D)   If the animal is sold, given away or changes residence, the owner or harborer is to notify the local rabies control authority within five days. The owner must notify in writing on or before the date of possession or custody as transferred the person who receives the animal from the owner that the animal is a vicious animal and the requirements of a vicious dog license. If the owner fails to so notify the recipient the owner shall remain liable for all penalties in §§ 91.40 through 91.50 of this chapter jointly and severally with the new owner.
(Ord. 762, passed 7-20-09)