(A)   The Chief of Police, with the approval of the City Manager shall appoint animal control officer or officers' and fix compensation therefore. The animal control officers shall be under the supervision and control of the police department. It shall be the duty of the animal control officers to: (i) pick up and impound all animals found running at large, (ii) issue citations for any violations of the provisions of this chapter or any applicable law pertaining to animals, (iii) carry out all other duties assigned to the animal control officer under this chapter or under applicable law and (iv) to perform such duties as may be directed by the police.
   (B)   While the primary responsibility for the duties described in division (A) rest with the animal control officers, any police officer of the city or any peace officer of the State of Texas is hereby authorized to discharge such duties and nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to limit the authority of police officers of the City or any peace officer of the State of Texas in that regard.
(Ord. 562, passed 9-21-98)