(A)   Generally.
      (1)   The bank account which is the basis of this subchapter is at the First Bank of Berne under the name of the Downtown Revitalization with the last four digits of 4702.
      (2)   This bank account shall be treated as an official non-appropriated fund for the town.
   (B)   Bank authorization.
      (1)   The President of the Main Street Committee shall have his or her name removed from the list of authorized users of this account.
      (2)   The Clerk-Treasurer and/or the town Administrative Assistant Clerk for the town shall be the only individuals permitted to be listed as authorized users for the account.
   (C)   Authorized usage for the account. The Main Street Committee bank account shall be used to purchase the following:
      (1)   Items to decorate the town. This would include, but is not limited to, items such as: flowers, holiday decorations, flags and the like;
      (2)   An annual Christmas dinner for the employees and elected officials for the town;
      (3)   An annual Christmas gift cards to the employees for the town; and
      (4)   Cards and/or flowers for any sick town employees and town elected officials.
   (D)   Funding the Main Street Committee bank account.
      (1)   The Main Street Committee bank account shall be funded by free will donations from the citizens of the town and any other person and/or business/organization that wishes to donate.
      (2)   Donations shall be made at the Town Clerk-Treasurer’s office.
(Ord. 5, 2022, passed 12-27-2022)